Exactly - but you'd think the R&D feedback from Alph and Beta testing y divers would show it upIn many cases they aren't divers, and often no one in the team is divers. So what seems sensible to them, doesn't make sense to the average diver which might pull the computer out once a month.
*Anecdote warning*
A few years ago I used to programme the lighting for large concert tours and the like, sometimes I'd get a prototype desk to put through its paces on the show, as an Altha (or even pre Alpha) Generally I'd have a software programmer with me to de-bug and apply fixes on teh fly that we could feed back. All too often you'd come across a function that worked in a bizarre way (or required nonsensical keystroke syntax)
When asking the question why? (generally WTF) the answer was always teh same, Oh that's the way we thought the function would work. Obviously they were trying to make some of it suitable for all (Rock and Roll, Theatre and TV) because we all use the desk in a slightly (but quite dissimilar way) - but some of their ideas on the way a function should operate clearly came from someone who'd never sat alongside a desk to see how it worked IRL