So the standard 19% room tax wasn't enough and now they sneak in an additional small but still there "environmental" tax? Well, I guess an "Environmental tax" has a nice ring to it. Heck, that's a tax most could understand paying. Just one problem, it's just another tax and not 1 cent of that tax will be used for environmental preservation purposes. We all know this and everyone should know this. Decades ago the powers be in Mexico promised how all the port charges and business generated by a blooming cruise ship industry were going to benefit Cozumel... New schools, new roads, new infrastructure, expanded public water and sewer, more new low income housing. Blah Blah Blah. Some old timer locals have told me none of what was promised every came true and they regret allowing the cruse ship expansion to take place. The only thing that improved was their grand kid's internet and wireless phone access. Other than that, all the real estate (and most of the businesses) within the "tourist zone" where 99% of the cruise ship passengers $ are owned by international corporations and wealthy mainland interests. The cruise ships came and the big money international & mainland business interests as well as the Mexican government turned on their $ vacuums and it has all been sucked away.
OH, they did rebuild the park in the center of San Miguel with a new dancing fountain but even that reportedly had corruption behind it... Why did it take SO LONG to complete that renovation? A local told me that all those businesses in the square were on long term leases under the wealthy land owners and landlords that own all that property... They couldn't get them out so they decided to starve them out with a length of construction on the square that would kill them all. You all remember how long that construction was going on with plywood walls set up everywhere that drove every tourist away. Most all of those businesses were run into the ground over that construction period, defaulted on their lease obligations as they had no income and are now gone. Upon completion of the square all that retail space could be re-leased to new tenants at much higher rates. It is corruption on display at its finest that is very savvy at hiding behind the guise of "public improvements" as promised.