Im not trying to stir the pot, we have pre-orders too, but we didnt collect money....Oceanic never delivered a product or released it yet...You guys really need to have a beef with or where you have your money. Its their problem for charging you for a product before its I know it was supposed to be released already, but this is nothing new in scuba...there are delays. Oceanic doesnt care if you pre-ordered, they didnt charge yet...they charge them when they we do. Please dont take that as Oceanic doesnt care, but all this " I prepaid" stuff is not their problem.....the dealer did that, not them.
The problem was, there was an issue with the mask, its delayed. If you cant wait for it to be fixed, get your money back....if you can wait, wait...Its a killer mask!!! Im not trying to be rude, I have alot of people waiting too.....hopefully soon...but I would ask for your money back if its a big issue with waiting
And dont call OCeanic rude, they dont sit at their computer 24 hours a day to respond on here...they have a HUGE operation, they get here when they can. You should voice your frustration to your dealer, let them give you the info! Oceanic is supposed to deal with dealers, not you...this is great that the manufacturers get on here to try and help, but dont take it for granted or try to discredit them by saying they should do this or that....they have dealers for dealing with to your dealer that you paid to handle this for you
PS- Its worth the wait!!!! It really is a stellar mask