I have to chime in here and give a vote for
Mor-Fins. These fins are simply amazing. The guy who invented them is really on to something and still no-one seems to get it yet. When I dive with them they feel as though they grew out of my feet. Minimum drag, great thrust and extremely high maneuverability. No splits can compare. There is no 'cleaner' fin on the market.
I've been a pro diver since 1985. For years I dove with what was known as the best fins (scubapro jets, mares quattros, rondines, dacor turbo-flex, etc, etc.). I was never really happy with any of them though. There was always a lot of 'drag' that came with them. Any fin that has ribs down the sides has lots of drag. Any fin that has channels has lots of drag. Any fin that has holes or is split has even more drag. Don't believe me? Try moving the fin side to side in water. You'll feel it right away. Compare that to a Mor-Fin. There is no comparison.
Spring straps... now that's an extra $50-60 bucks you can save buy simply adjusting your straps properly. I have dove with tens of thousands of certified divers over the last 25 years of working in the scuba business. My conservative estimate is that at least 75% of them wear both their fin and/or mask straps too tight. If you have the proper tension on your straps they will be comfortable and they will doff and don easily. They also won't break.
I have over 600 logged dives on my MorFins and the straps look brand new, no cracking or other signs of fatigue. And my mask has over 2,000 logged dives and I could trade in that strap as brand new if I had too. Why does everyone go so tight? I'll never know...but when I show them they are too tight they try readjusting and then come back saying they've never been so comfortable in the water before! Go figure!
Everyone is correct in advising you to look for comfort in your fin.
Noone has mentioned Mor-Fins probably because they are still brand new on the market and most people haven't experienced them yet. I can get you a deal on a pair if you'd like. Mention my name when you talk with the company and buy a pair direct. Do any test you want with them against any other fin you like. Mor-Fins are slippery (like fish are slippery) and they simply move you the best.
For fins that feel like they grew on you, get a pair of Mor-Fins! There's a paradigm shift getting ready to happen in scuba. Just like everyone copied the splits years ago, they will soon be copying the Mor-Fins tail design. Watch! I know this because I dive almost every day.