My wife did her first four open-water dives over two days, and had a plugged-up feeling in one ear for weeks. She consulted with DAN who directed her to a ear, nose, and throat (ENT) doctor. We were both worried about how her next trip would go a few months later, and she took antihistamines on the advice of the ENT doctor. Turned out on this second trip, where she did 7 dives, all was well.
Best guess is that she didn't properly equalize on her first few dives, and insulted the eustachian tube or something else so things got puffy and thus harder to equalize during that trip. On the second trip she had a better handle on things, equalized properly and didn't insult her ear tissues.
On one of my first dives I had a nosebleed from working too hard and in the wrong way to equalize.
So have hope - as you gain experience, and gather info, you have a good chance that the problem will not recur on subsequent dives.
Best guess is that she didn't properly equalize on her first few dives, and insulted the eustachian tube or something else so things got puffy and thus harder to equalize during that trip. On the second trip she had a better handle on things, equalized properly and didn't insult her ear tissues.
On one of my first dives I had a nosebleed from working too hard and in the wrong way to equalize.
So have hope - as you gain experience, and gather info, you have a good chance that the problem will not recur on subsequent dives.