Azza and Mat I think for the most part you guys got it right...many of us get tats to mark major events in our lives. Tats can be a reflection our adventures, our trials and tribulations or to honor the memories of family and friends. Yes, these tributes are permanent there is no question of that! But for many of us that's part of why we got them. Mine is a lesson learned and a reminder of who I am inside! Pretty deep right? I created it myself it's one of a kind and I am proud to have it and share my story! That being said Large Diver is not completely wrong...some people do get tats to be cool...they give their tat no more thought than...that butterfly is going to look great right above my butt! Now don't get me wrong I've seen many that do in fact look good over those great butts...but these tats certainly do not reflect the life lessons or life events many of us are talking about! They just got them because they think tats are cool or because they think that people will think they are cool because they have a tat! I guess what I am trying to say is that there are as many tats out there as there are reasons to get one! So I say get one if you want one...and that especially goes for all the ladies out there with great butts!!! (Sorry I just thought the last part had to be said!)