PFF:The regulation in which Gloucester enacted is all divers must have their own flag and they must stay 25 feet away from any lobster bouy.
If this is true, then it seems that the latter is more of a pain than the former!!! Do you have a link to this or know where I can download/print the regulation???
I have nothing against those of you that lobster - really I don't. This is unfair to everyone who follows the rules. But this law and news of all the recent harrassment that's gone on is especially annoying to those of us who don't take lobster!!! In fact, the last three times we had lobster, we bought it from a local after we finished our dive.
If this law is real and extends to all of Cape Ann, hell will freeze over before I buy lobster again. Period. Oh, and if any fishermen are reading this...I eat a lot (and not just for a girl - anyone who's seen me on Fran's boat with the cookies knows this) and I have very little sense of financial responsibility.