New Cold Water Diver Wetsuit Advice

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Best Advice is get a drysuit.

My first Drysuit cost me $300 on e-bay. It was a perfect fit and all the seals and valves were good. I used it until I saved enough to get the drysuit I wanted. Then I sold it on e-bay for exactly what I paid for it. The guy I sold it to was doing the same thing.

If you use e-bay, do your research, and communicate with the seller. I've heard about others that didn't have a good experience like I had.
I wear a 5mil suit put a 5mil shorty on top wit ha hood attached. 5mil booties and 5mil gloves for water temps 55-60 and stay cold almost the whole dive hehe. I only weigh 150 tho and was born and raised in the desert. If i dove in cold water more than 3 or 4 times a year i would definalely go dry, but if money is an issue and what you have works then go for it!

Welcome to the boards and GL with the fit!
I dive around Southern Ontario including the great lakes and use a 7mm one piece with a 5mm hooded vest. 50deg no problem and 40 is a little cool but ok up to 20-30 min down. Hope this helps
I know you said you couldn't afford a drysuit, but I thought I'd pass on:

FDog's guide to saving $1000 on a drysuit

How to save $1000: buy a drysuit now.

Agree completely!

The most expensive gear is the stuff you buy instead of what you should have bought in the first place.
dry suit, dry suit, dry suit!!!

Hey Guys Thnx for the input,
Just wanted to let u know i got my wetsuit and went diving with it today, it was a Chilly 40 degrees in the water and i was nice and toasty for the 30 minutes we were diving. We actualy called the dive at 30 minutes because a couple of the other guys we were diving with were Losing feeling in some rather important areas:)....
NE way my dive instructor told me that the lake here doesnt get lower than 39 degrees in the winter (its a Big Lake) so i should be warm enough Diving throughout the winter!
Thnx again for all your input,
Is a 7 mil enough? only you can tell with experience, each of us has a different tolerance level. You have already ordered a suit, Factory suits seldom fit well and you may have lots of water transfer.

Oh Yeah,
The Suit Fits Great By the Way, Very Comfy and Very Warm!:)
Hey Guys Thnx for the input,
Just wanted to let u know i got my wetsuit and went diving with it today, it was a Chilly 40 degrees in the water and i was nice and toasty for the 30 minutes we were diving. We actualy called the dive at 30 minutes because a couple of the other guys we were diving with were Losing feeling in some rather important areas:)....
NE way my dive instructor told me that the lake here doesnt get lower than 39 degrees in the winter (its a Big Lake) so i should be warm enough Diving throughout the winter!
Thnx again for all your input,

Also, something to realize, the more you dive, the more comfortable you get, the less you move, the colder you'll get. Glad to hear you're toasty so far though.

Look into Otterbay custom hoods.
I'm looking to get one of these as I still get chilly with my drysuit and 400 weight undies. Your head is a major source of heat loss.

Enjoy diving the Okanagan. Oh, and 39 deg is bloody cold.

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