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Problem with that Barracuda. What happens when a person goes overboard? Its been happening more and more recently it could be hours before they know and only b/c they have been notified by a party member. Also before boarding a cruise ship you get your picture taken for a 3 day cruise.

on a dive boat you are there for a few hours and no-one wants to wait for another picture. So a card can end up being swiped by somebody else and no-one would be the wiser.

An Entry/Exit system doesn't cover every contingency for a dive boat. and this post is 3 pages not 11 :p
Peter, Except for when things like what happened in S.Ca (another popular post here the last few days) where apparently the 2 dive buddies accounted for the missing guy. Joe hears his budy Mikes name and says Here, evidence it doesn't work :(
OK, I've read all 11 pages of this thread; Cruise ships us the "swipe the ID card" any time you leave or board the ship. First, to make sure you are who you say you are; and second, to know who is or isn't on board. They can keep track of 3000 guest this way. What would be the "chink in the armor" using this method on a dive boat of, let's say, 24 divers? Each diver is issued a card that he puts in a secure place after he swipes and before entering the water, then swipes it again when he gets back on board. The capt. reads the computer count to make sure all have swiped and are on board. Please be reasonable and realistic with whatever you come up with as the "chink".

I would envision the card/tag goes with the diver, not suffed some place when diving.
Problem with that Barracuda. What happens when a person goes overboard? Its been happening more and more recently it could be hours before they know and only b/c they have been notified by a party member. Also before boarding a cruise ship you get your picture taken for a 3 day cruise.

"Man overboard" is a different discussion. I thought this thread is making sure that those who went diving return to the boat.

on a dive boat you are there for a few hours and no-one wants to wait for another picture.

We are talking about 24 divers max. I don't think we would need pictures.

So a card can end up being swiped by somebody else and no-one would be the wiser.

Why would somebody else want to swipe another diver's card; what would be the point to that?

and this post is 3 pages not 11 :p

My computer says that this page is 12 out of 12.
ooh I think I know :wink: my post's per page are probably a lot higher...Duh.
Anyhow to make this post relevant.

Barracuda2, Also what is simpler having the divers wear a plastic key chain thingy and the computers do the rest or having to dish in for your card, and swipe it during high waves. or waiting in line after you have de-geared to swipe the card? where the machine will collect moisture and salt and will have to be replaced on a regular basis?
No it isn't. At least not all the time, every time. A system that depends on folks staying still is not foolproof enough.

The DAN tag system seems pretty foolproof.

Getting boats to use it seems to be less than successful at this point.
If dive boats operators can't manage to do a simple head count they should quit and go draw welfare. Manifest equals 18 people, Lets see we can't move the boat until we count 18 people. If they can't count how many people they have on the boat OMG. This is an offense that everyone that is working on the boat should go to jail over. For maybe like stupidity.reverse kidnapping, manslaughter. The Spree & Fling have a great system for liveaboards.


Ho hum. Say it loud then it sounds like fact. There are two other threads going over certain incidents and the causes and possible causes- go boat bash over there. This thread was until now about how to make the system better, because mistakes are made. Sometimes divers aren't left, but only by luck. I believe the consensus was that head counts don't work. Count 1 person twice, and although you thought you had 18, you really have 17. That is the point of this thread.

Care to elaborate on the system you think is great on those two boats?
It's his third post in 6 years; don't get excited - but I do agree that the Fling has a great system, with the discipline needed to make it work.
I have been on dive boats in the Red Sea where several boats moored next to each other and divers got back onto the wrong boat. No way a head count would work there. At my dive centre we identify each individual diver by name, which is the only safe thing to do.
Yep, happened to me once at night at Key Largo. I followed the other three to the wrong boat, didn't see them turn to go to the right boat, typical boat pick buddy left me, and I boarded a boat that looked a lot like mine - where I didn't recognize anyone. :11:

The Texas Flower Gardens is not a small place, but two similar boats on adjacent buoys - happens a lot there. Even saw it happen to the boat naturalist. :eyebrow:

Head counts are for range cattle. Electronic tags are for dairy cows. Manifest security is still my preference for my dive boat and my ass.
I would envision the card/tag goes with the diver, not suffed some place when diving.

Sorry for the wording; by "secure place" I meant in a secure bc pocket. My bc has a zippered pocket on the cumber bun. In other words, it goes in with the diver.
Barracuda2, Also what is simpler having the divers wear a plastic key chain thingy and the computers do the rest or having to dish in for your card, and swipe it during high waves. or waiting in line after you have de-geared to swipe the card? where the machine will collect moisture and salt and will have to be replaced on a regular basis?

I think the "plastic key chain thingy" is good. As far as the technical logistics of applying the "swipe" idea, and all of the hows of doing it, I'm sure there are "geeks" out there who could figure that out.:lam:
It's his third post in 6 years; don't get excited - but I do agree that the Fling has a great system, with the discipline needed to make it work.

I need to stay away from posting at the end of a work day....short fuse.

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