Interesting point. Never crossed my mind.Another point is that many of the diving professionals who oppose teaching solo diving, turn right around and safely practice it. That has to create a credibility issue
And like you said, Im sure that TDI legal team concidered the legal aspects of solo cert, and that LLoids of London were involved as well.
Im with AADiveRex, other agencies are probably waiting to see the first trial that would establish a baseline for future action and probably will not jump on the wagon untill this hapens.
I like "pioniers are the guys with arrows in their backs"Leadership entails risk. A higher risk level, that is.
I do agree with you 100%, I think that SDI/TDI went for broke on this one. "Its all or nothing"In my opinion, this implies that solo diving can and should be practiced as a recreational diving activity
I do like your aproach to training of self relience reather than solo diving. There are those divers that all they are after is the "license to solo" so they probably wont get the full benefit of your aproach, but still might learn something valuable. There is only so much a good instructor can do.
I'm hoping that this is the case because it is the only logical measure IMO. But than again lawyers have a way of imprinting their own beneficial logic on the jury.The instructor can only be held to his/her own agency's regs and procedures.
I think that this is the bottom line and when a suit similar to my example goes to trial, the longest and hardest part will be jury selection.The plantiff would be hard pressed to win the case if the jury was all solo divers.