Voit, Healthways and Sportsways also used band clamps; USD had them available via special order. If there is a question, I think it would be very apparent when first putting the clamp on that it did not fit or was not working, as the boxes would be able to move, when they should be tight.
Concerning the single point of failure, unless the clips are placed correctly, and tightened well, they could be a bigger problem. You need to put the clips on individually, tighten the top ones, then work bottom left and right toward the top. Then you probably need to re-tighten the top ones again, and maybe some of the others too. No clip should move after the process is complete. As one is tightened, others may loosen. In contrast, the clamp is tightened using the screw, and tightens the boxes together symetrically as the screw is tightened. If you were us use this same analogy, then most of the single hose regulators produced in the 1980s and 1990s would not work, as they used (on the metal second stages) clamps almost exclusivery. With either method, you can use a suction test to see whether a seal has been achieved, simply by sucking on the mouthpiece after it is assembled, and seeing whether a suction is achieved without a hissing leak. Both are pretty well-proven technologies.