Need advice on what to do about error in custom dry suit

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Hello all,
I am more than willing to offer any information regarding Lynne's Custom Drysuit. I can honestly say that both lds and the manufacturer appreciate's Lynne's understanding and wihtout hesitation will alter to suit accordingly. It is not rare that a custom suit need extra attention to a few details, it is how those details are rectified is the real issue.
I have yet to see a custom drysuit produced exactly to the order specs.

Just something to consider.

I feel for ya Lynne, but I have to echo BDub. While I never ordered custom I watched folks struggle with multiple manufacturers and shops. My sure-fire method for good suit fit is buying one of the rack, FWIW.

as mattwave said so well, it's not whether there will be issues with the custom suit, but how the shop and manufacturer deal with those issues that count

i can understand errors. i just want the shop to work with me in fixing them in a
reasonable manner
I feel for ya Lynne, but I have to echo BDub. While I never ordered custom I watched folks struggle with multiple manufacturers and shops. My sure-fire method for good suit fit is buying one of the rack, FWIW.


I have to echo with trying a "off the rack" before going custom. I had a custom suit and undies made a while back. Granted the suit turned out really nice but it took for friggin ever it semed. I had to be measured for the custom undergarment and wait for the dive shop to receive it. Then i had to be remeasured in the undies so they could make the drysuit. After the drysuit arrived the sleeves were about 2-3 inches to short and had to be returned for alterations. All in all it took well over 3 mos from the time i started till the time i received my finished properly fitted suit.
Well, I would have bought an off-the-rack suit, if there were one in the material I wanted that would come close to fitting me! Being a very small woman in a man's sport can be a significant disadvantage.

And the nice thing about this situation is that the suit fits perfectly, except for the boots. When we have all the issues ironed out, it's going to be a nice suit.
Perhaps you're not looking at enough racks.
CD, why don't you get her measurements and try to find one for her?

i'm sure you could do it in ... what ... the next few days?

Sounds to me like the manufacturer and LDS owner are doing right by Lynne at this point. I say let it play out ... like Matt said, it's how the issue gets handled that matters. If, in the end, she ends up with a suit that makes her happy, then it will have been handled properly.

I've been involved in these custom suit ordeals ... and it sucks while you're waiting for things to get straightened out. But if the dealer and manufacturer are willing to address the issue, that's really a statement on their willingness to stand behind what they sell ... and it would make me more inclined to deal with them in the future.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
The only complaint I have is that I think somebody should have been able to look at the suit and realize that the valve placement was faulty before it was shipped. And the boots, of course . . .

Have you confirmed that the placement of the valve is different than the White's drysuits? Yes, the valve is placed on the front of the arm, but it _is_ very divable. You may, however, be required to change the way you vent. Perhaps you should find this out, as you may end up moving it to an undesirable location.

- ChillyWaters
I appear to have lucked out.
Eventhough DC has a terrible reputation in getting the custom cut right, my underwear and suit fit me very well and I'm very pleased with it. And that on the first try...
I have a cuff dump valve and it never vented unintentionally doing valve drills or shooting a bag.
Having said that, I agree with everyone else who says that you shouldn't settle for something that you're not happy with. You paid a lot of money for a product and you should be happy with it. If you're not happy now-chances are you'll not be getting happier with it down the road.

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