M.S. I could not disagree with you more. As do you, when I see somebody on a motorbike sans helmet, I say to myself "IDIOT". However, the fact that they choose to be stupid & kill themselves can't kill me. The "sue" analogy just exemplifies the need for legal reform in our country, NOT your right to tell me what I can & cannot do with my life. My state has a seatbelt law which I can only support because wearing one MIGHT help you avoid an accident with me when things turn to crap on the road. It's Bike Week in my area of the country, & to be completely honest with you, I am quite annoyed with all of the noisy, non-helmet wearing folks on the road 200 feet from my front door. However, I feel I have more right to complain about the noise than I do complaining about their lack of helmets. Their (IMHO) refusal to take commonsense precautions does not directly affect me, but their insistence on making their presence known to everyone within a half mile does. Should I then be able to force them to change out the pipes on their bike? That to me would be a classic example of people who think more about themselves than the group. And that statement will probably bring down a whole load of crap on my head, but so be it. I'm sorry, but in my opinion, diving & driving are two totally seperate issues. While diving, the only people's lives affected by your desicions are yours, your families, & possibly your buddy's. When driving, your actions can affect the lives (and possibly even deaths) of many others. One Friday evening, I get drunk as Cooter Brown & do a dive in the local hole, during which I off myself. My wife is sad & poor, and has to raise our child by herself. And 20 or 30 people are inconvenienced by the ambulance on their way to pronounce me stupid & dead. Now consider the same situation on Interstate 4, relatively close to where I live. One Friday evening, I get drunker than Cooter Brown on my way home from work, and off myself by driving into oncoming traffic. My wife is sad & poor, and has to raise our child by herself. Very likely, I also killed several other people who have a family that would really like them around, plus I've tied up traffic for 5 hours while they clean up mine & my victims remains off of the road. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE.