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texas coast
Who is this org., and why should or should'nt I deal with them? I've been having problems with a small dive shop and can't get a refund. I've tried to contact this group who is the supporting agency, but get no response. I'm begining to think that NASE is not a what their web site claims to be.
First, welcome to the board.

Second, perhaps some more background and we might be able to better assist you.

What is NASE supposed to be? And are you working on a problem with equipment, training, or business practice?
After a bit of web hunting.....

If you are talking about, this group is mostly a lobbyist group to represent self-employed people's interest to state and federal government. They also help in obtaining insurance for these same people.

If you are having a problem obtaining a refund for an item you purchased and have returned per their sales policies, then there is a better route.

But I'd like to hear more specific details about your case before I continue.
What I actually KNOW about them is next to nothing. My IMPRESSION is that they are a fledgling agency with some ties (or experience) with NAUI. I picked the LDS, not the Agency for the course.

We used a NASE video along with NAUI manuals for the classroom and we used the PADI profiles for the open water part of the course. They do have their own NASE manual for Nitrox, but I didn't take that course. As for the other levels of certification, I don't know what they use.

In comparison, the class was very similar to my TDI cert class (thru a different LDS) and more in depth than my PADI cert classes - but that could be because it was teaching techniques for dealing with various situations and panic psychologies rather than pointing out which end of the tank you hook your reg to.
I did my O/W cert. (Oct. 2000) through my LDS (Sand Dollar Dive Center, Smith, AL) and it was NASE. It started up in 1982(?) and is HQ'd in Texas, I believe.
They (NASE) catch alot of flack because they give the instructor a lot of leeway. (The opposite of PADI from my understanding). The instructor can choose from several different manuals (i.e. you used Naui, we used "Jeppesen's); different tables (you used PADI, we used modified Navy-Doppler tables). We used some videos, but I don't remember whose they were. Most of the class time was taught by the instructor. We had five class sessions ( 2 hours each), six pool sessions (2.5 hours each) and did four OW scuba dives and one skin dive.
I really enjoyed my OW classes and have signed up to my Advanced classes in July.

There is a good comparison article/chart on that includes NASE. Do a search on NASE over there.


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