My venture into Sidemount.

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Wow, you even start off with the valve off. Funny thing is I can actually see the gauge is down to nothing when you check. :rofl3:

Now are you shutting off the valves every time you switch regs, or is this just in practice for a failure?

Just valve drills . . . I was practicing all the skills while swimming and hovering. I just wish I could remember to turned the danged things back on! :lol:
Just valve drills . . . I was practicing all the skills while swimming and hovering. I just wish I could remember to turned the danged things back on! :lol:
I am usually pretty good at remembering to turn them back on, but sometimes I do forget.
Okay . . . :blush:

This one is for Rob. I'm nothing if not consistent. I'm doing valve drills. Please note what I do after checking my gauges. :blush:



At least your trim is looking good!
Ok, well since this thread has been dead for a few days I will add in what I have been doing with my Nomad so far.

I am planning on bring the Nomad and going sidemount in Bonaire so I decided to get myself aquainted to it with AL80's. I set up the 80s and got into the pool. I was pleasantly surprised that they trimmed out almost perfectly and I just had to shift my weight back as I had it too far forward. I spent about 4 hours in the pool and found it to be very comfortable.

I will never use the AL80s around here as it sort of defeats what I was looking for. I have played and played with my LP112's and I am just not liking them for sidemount at all. I think I am going to try and find myself a set of LP85's like I tried when I first started in sidemount. I will also consider some HP tanks, and I think I will try out a few different ones in the pool at my LDS.
Were the AL80's Luxfer or Catalina or possibly Hy-Mark and did the bottom get light when near empty?
I set up the 80s and got into the pool. I was pleasantly surprised that they trimmed out almost perfectly and I just had to shift my weight back as I had it too far forward. I spent about 4 hours in the pool and found it to be very comfortable.

I'm assuming you normally use DIN - Did you try with DIN-Yoke adapters on your 1st stages with the AL80's?

By the by, I just realized I need a second DIN-Yoke adapter for when I travel and use AL80's.

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I'm assuming you normally use DIN - Did you try with DIN-Yoke adapters on your 1st stages with the AL80's?

By the by, I just realized I need a second DIN-Yoke adapter for when I travel and use AL80's.

I normally do use DIN and used DIN->Yoke adapters for the al80s. I was going to just buy the adapters, but I also wanted a transfill whip, so I bought one that had the adapters already and got two things I needed.

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