<snip> but will agree with the GUE slanderers here on SB that the <violins> "We went into Fundies, got humbled, but all passed and had fun"</violins> reports are either fairy tales from distant kingdoms or tasteless reverse-bragging from folks who spent a whole lot more sweat than they had the guts to admit.
Since you brought up my name (no "c" in Henrik

- I'm not a "Young Buck" - turning 50 this year (no, I didn't need my logbook for that piece of info)
2007.04: OW training in NYC. OW referral dives in St. Croix. 13 dives total
2007.08: 4 horrible dives at DS in rented 7 mil. Never diving wet in cold water again.
2008.05: Caribbean dive trip in my own BP/W + reg w/ long hose (Other than reading SB, no help or mentoring in set-up or use). Dives 18 - 29
2009.05: Caribbean dive trip. Dives 30 - 48
2009.05: Dutch springs. Dives 49 & 50; my first dives in a drysuit.
- 2 dives at Dutch with Bob Sherwood and Ed Hayes for a GUE demo day. It cemented the fact that "I want me some of that". No actual skills instruction - more "here's how we like to do things".
- 11 training dives at Dutch with 2 people I later took Fundies with. 4 of those dives with Fundies grad Q. As best we could - based on internet videos - we focused on trim and kicks. Other than the dives with Q, we had *no clue* as to the Team diving aspect.
2009.08.10: Dive #65 was the first dive of my Fundies class.
In Fundies my logbook tells me I had 2 good days, 2 so-so days and 1 "train wreck" day. I struggled with trim - floaty feet in particular, back-kick as well as buoyancy control, especially on ascents.
Executive overview:
- PADI grad with 3 years and 48 dives as a vacation diver. 30 of those dives in BP/W + long hose wo/ mentoring.
- 15 dives in drysuit, 11 of those spent training for Fundies, doing what we could to emulate internet videos of trim and kicks.
- got a Fundies Rec pass after an additional day of practicing specific skills and of course another Eval dive.
I'm no "wunderkind" by any stretch, and I also don't think my training timeline illustrates a "Fairytale" or "Reverse Bragging". Others may judge differently ...?
I had a good time during Fundies. It was frustrating at times, but pretty much all of the frustration stemmed from my own unreasonable expectations as to my own performance. Edit: to echo John: My ego got in the way ...
Just a different perspective.
That said, I would have *loved* to have a back kick for Fundies, and will agree that Primer would be a good workshop to do before Fundies. I have since ~summer of 2010 recommended Primer as a 1st step.
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