Double hose regulators aside, including my three Argonaut Krakens, my working single hose fleet currently, in order of duty:
1. AL Titan Supreme LX set, super reliable, simple and easy breather. Light for travel as well. My fav.
2. AL Core Supreme set, set up for DIN or yoke.*
3. SP Mark V clone with Jetstream second and Oceanic octopus.*
4. Two (2) Conshelf XIV Supreme sets. Bullet proof reliable beyond all Hades. My beach divers.
5. SP Mark V clone with G250 set. The "Surf" set (it is wonderfull, and so very expensive, lol).
6. SP Mark 20 with Mark 25 parts and G250 with R190.
7. SP Mark V clone with R109 set. Two first stages, one yoke, one DIN. It is pretty
8. AL Legend Series 1 set (my wife).*
9. SP Mark 17 Evo with G260, still building up. It will be replacing my Titan Supreme LX as my Number 1.
* Conventional primary and octo. (All other assemblies are long hose primary.)
Mark V clones were largely produced by Tabata, I think, and are 99% interchangeable with and the same as a SP Mark V except they are better, better chrome, better fit and finish and stainless turret screw.