Why do you do this in the middle of the dive season and not in the winter?
I usually do and was supposed to even had "next service due winter of 2021" in my notes/records.
But things change, priorities reorder themselves sometimes. That's what happened this year.
Since they were still performing well and I've only done
six that's 6 dives, how sad, this season service got moved down on the priority list.
When I started I intended to service only the MK5 with the HP failure but, after I was done and all the stuff was still out and well maybe I should do the MK5 I've been using most and use this fresh one for a while. Then things just got out of control and I couldn't stop myself it became a compulsion an obsession!

I have 4 sets of 109/156/mk5 plus 2 double hose regulators so having one down at a time isn't a problem and I'm not diving because the @##@$@#%weather around here really bites! So what the heck I'm retired, instead of cutting the grass, racking the yard, changing the front struts in my car, I serviced my regs.
The 50's are ready. The next post or addition to this one will be after I get it setup and soap bubble tested. That way what's left of the chrome will be wet and shiny for the pictures.
The post service of the MK5s look good, I am very pleased and the results are encouraging. There are 4 MK5, 2 have S.P.E.C ambient chamber caps, 2 have standard ambient chamber caps. By some stroke of luck each the S.P.E.C MK5 have the same IP Hi and low and each MK5 with standard ambient chamber caps also have the same IP Hi and LO but are different from the S.P.E.C MK5s, and as such easy to tell apart!
The 2 SPEC Mk5s are now primary (left) and secondary (right), both have 130psi IP @ LO and HI pressures. If everything I know and read about the A.I.R. 1 is correct then with both inline valves open both tanks will drain at about the same rate, without any action(s) by me.
The standard ambient chamber cap MK5s should/may/will also drain the same way depending at what pressure the IP drops on each MK5. Both these have 120psi LO and 130psi HI
Then there’s the unknown will and how much does the IP change after a few dives? So far the primary has 1 short mini dive and 1 full dive. I soap bubble tested my primary regulator set in single tank configuration and found one bad O ring on the LP hose connection to the inline, it was a very small leak that caused a 50psi drop after closing the valve over a 15 minute interval. After changing the bad O ring I re-tested, no bubbles, then shut the valve off and left to pickup my 50’s and go shopping with Mrs.AD. Three hours later when returned the SPG showed a slight change of maybe 50psi, good to go.
The 50s are VERY buoyant when empty, so IMO they need some non-ditchable weights and what better place than on the back between the tanks? So I used a piece of 2” webbing, folded it in half so that there was enough room for a 5/16” DIA hole at each end with 2 three lb hard weights on the strap. Then I used an awl to punch thru the strap and then a hot tapered drift tool to make it 5/16”DIA and also melt the edges to prevent fraying.
I don’t throw much away so I have some washers from when I used SS bands, they are concave/convex from tightening the bands. I used 4 washers, 2 with the convex side facing up at the top and bottom of DTA, then placed the strap on top pushing the threaded rods thru the holes.
Then placed the other 2 washers convex sides down and tightened both nuts down until the threaded rods were flush with the nuts.
There is also about 16lb of ditchable weights, maybe less. This time of year I use 3mm farmer John bottom and a 7mm jacket so I use less weight with any of my configurations. Sometime during Oct I change to the 7mm farmer John bottoms and a little later if I’m still diving a 2mm hooded vest so the weight goes up.
So now I either wait for the weather to get better, take a diving trip or find a different lake to use as a test site.