Well really, it's because I can. I have the gear, experience and ability to do something different to a setup I've been using in the same form for 30+ years. I began diving IDs long before I had shoulder issues and before isolation manifolds were in common use. So, it wasn't shoulder issues that drove me to IDs rather it is shoulder issues among other things that now prevent my using an isolation manifold. I have 3 sets of ID (doubles) that turn into 6 single tanks whenever I desire. I'd need 3 manifolded tanks and 6 single tanks for that selection. How much $$$ is that in tanks, VIPs and Hydros over a lifetime compared to my 6 tanks?I misread... In the first post I was under the impression you were running two separate setup according to the pics.
You might have thought I was trying to be snarky after having to defend the setup for 24 pages, but I wasn't. I just incorrectly understood the setup. Your defensiveness is quite inspiring though. I hope to be as grumpy as you one day.
Still... a really 'intricate' way to get around a shoulder problem.
The only thing I don't really see is why you would run this over a separate doubles regulator switching setup.
I know you said earlier an instructor thought you were in distress, but lets be honest, nowadays with so many people diving sidemount or primary donate, are we really that surprised if we see a regulator switch underwater??? i'd say no tbh.
It's alot less hoses, less ****, but this looks cooler I guess?
I have and always will go my own way and do things that I desire not what others consider better.
All this info is in the thread already. I am repeating it for you because I'm a nice guy!
The only issues I've encountered with this system so far are like this one, made up by SB posters. This isn't grubbiness just stating a fact.