divedivedive! once bubbled...
You know, if you're floating at the surface and can release all the air in your BC via your 3/4/100 dumps valves and *immediately* descend to a point below a passing boat (5m to be safe), then I'd venture to say that you're seriously overweighted. I dive in similar conditions - 80+ degree water - and I carry with me just enough weight (0 to 4 lbs, depending on wetsuit) to allow me to sink when I've completely exhaled. And the first 10ft of the descent go by sloooowly, until the neoprene compresses a little.
Now, is that 0 to 4 lbs with, or without your rig? 'Cause if that's 4 lbs with a SS BP and STA, then we're really talking about 12 lbs here of real weight... Which wouldn't be enough for most people in a 3/2 mil in salt water, especially if there's a current. Did you not read my comment on the weight? Specifically, I said that at Blue Grotto and Devil's Den I was using ~ 10 lbs. That's pretty normal for someone without a BP, a 3/2 mil, and fresh water.
But whatever. To me, it just looks like you wanted to flame. Okay, I suppose that makes you an accomplished flamer.
In other words... once you've gotten your weighting sorted (being new and all, trust me when I tell you that you can easily drop half of the weight on you),
Did a pool dive the other day... Found myself using 4 lbs in the beginning of the dive, even with a wetsuit. 'Course, I became a little too positively bouyant toward the end of the dive, so I stuck with 10 lbs and had much better luck. Perhaps YOU had the experience to '"drop half the weight" on yourself, but I was taught right from the beginning.
And obviously you haven't read the rest of this thread.
Not sure why anyone needs to deflate that fast, anyway.
Uhhhh... Boat, you drop your heavy catch, you want to get to the bottom fast, whatever.
If you're going to be carrying 20lb weights and drop them by accident underwater thus necessitating a rapid deflate - gee, either use a lift bag or stay the heck out of the water, you're a risk to everyone around you and yourself too.
I thought that the INTELLIGENT conversation went this way: "Hi, I'm SeaJay, and I found that in my situation, I like a jacket style BC best." <other people> "Hmmmm... What about this point? That point?" <me> "Nope, I found this... I found that... Hey, that's a great idea... Sure would like to get the chance to do it again." <you> "Ahhhh! You are messing up my little world... Get out of the water! Not a different opinion! I can't handle it! Get out! Get out!" (Keep in mind that you've never actually SEEN me in the water or dived with me, so how do you know what I'm like in the water?)
My point is that your post just looks like a flame. Your point, whatever it was, wasn't heard.
We can't save everyone from wasting money on "transitional" gear. With 17 dives under his belt he has all the answers and is an expert on the backplate/jacket comparison. Let him contribute to eBay's bottom line in a year or two.
Interesting. I come here and tell other newbies to "make sure and try it on for yourself because I'm not finding that I personally agree with everyone's opinions, and suddenly that makes me "an expert" and my gear "transitional" and "contributing to...eBay." Hmmmm.
I may only have 17 dives, and I've already admitted that I'm no expert. I simply posted my experiences (and I'll bet I went to greater lengths to properly test the gear than you did) here and everything's going to flames because of the fact that I have a different opinion from yours.
Yeah, I would say that's pretty "Nazi."
If he is still diving that far from now.
SeaJay, do me a favor, anyt time you go diving, let us know here. I will make sure to stay far away from that area.

Was it an opinion that didn't agree with yours that made you assume that I'm due for a watery coffin, or what? Different = bad? You DO realize that I'm doing everything by the PADI books, right? I guess those guys have no idea what they're talking about either. So is it just me, or is it all of the 90% of divers that prefer a jacket style BC that you won't dive with?
Last I saw, this conversation was going along pretty well without you.
I have sat here and read this entire thread, and it amazes me how you can not see arond your own ego and notice that the so called valid arguements you make are completely illogical. Normally I would make a long post in retrun to stuff like this, but all I can do this time is borrow a line from Neal boortz, and simply say "damn, just damn."
"My own ego?" Where in the world did you make the assumption that I had an ego? Must have been my sarcasm above. Or the fact that I had enough gumption to have my own opinion. Whatever. "Forgive me for having my own opinion, Master ****." Better?
Maybe later when I come ou of my initial phase of shock, and have more time to type, I will make a nice long winded, but well thought out and logical post.
Oh, thank you, Master ****. I was so hoping that you'd give me your precious time and opinion, since it's so much more valid than my own. <sic>
James, I'd have been a lot more open to your opinion (as in, "mine's no less valid than yours, and yours is no less valid than mine," but since you tore into me with that little rant up there, you ain't gettin' no respect from me about it.
I knew this thread couldn't go without flames. Thought for a moment there that it would... Too bad these guys showed up. Nothing like a little **** to pee in the water.