Interesting opinions, SeaJay. Hope you don't mind if I add a few of my own...
Just MHO, of course.
OTOH, I recall very vividly swimming around inside the jacket BCs I've had the misfortune to use.

That's the same thing I was told about the swivel on my first stage reg. Didn't stop it from blowing, though. Nor did it stop a pull dump separation which happened to a fellow diver on an overnight trip a few years ago.SeaJay once bubbled...
And the jacket style had a pull dump. I've heard things about how bad pull dumps are because of the fact that they give another point of possible failure, but in all of the instructors and divemasters that I've asked, not one has yet seen a pull dump pull out of the jacket
180 degrees different from my experiences with jacket style BCs and my BPs. Of course, I'm not familiar with non-BP/W back inflation units.SeaJay once bubbled...
There was also supposed to be a "streamlining" effect from the back inflate. I found this to not be correct. Instead, I found that the close-fitting jacket style BC stayed more streamlined than the floaty and "all over the place" wings on the back inflate.
Again, I've had the diametrically opposed experience.SeaJay once bubbled...
So in short, I found the back inflate BC's to be opinionated and mildly irritating, and not allowing me to place my body where I wanted.
And I wouldn't. As I've stated elsewhere, I wouldn't use a jacket-style BC if someone gave it to me. For that matter, I wouldn't give or sell it to a friend.SeaJay once bubbled...
I was surprised that I much preferred the jacket style BC's to the back inflates. I'd always had the impression that back inflates were more "technical" whereas the jacket style BC's were more "sport." But I'm telling you now, I would much more trust a jacket style BC in open water than a back inflate.
Just MHO, of course.
Odd, I've never had a problem with either of mine while wearing a 3mm. Both were perfectly comfortable...and, equally important, very stable.SeaJay once bubbled...
The BP/Wings setup might work well with a 7 mil suit or dry suit on, but with my tropical and subtropical diving, it seemed a bit hard.
OTOH, I recall very vividly swimming around inside the jacket BCs I've had the misfortune to use.
Works great with single tanks and no gear, IME.SeaJay once bubbled...
I can see, however, how, if you loaded up with deco bottles, twin tanks, and a bunch of gear you'd really enjoy the extra stability that a BP/Wings setup gave you.
Obviously, it was not adjusted correctly. When it is, you simply won't notice the presence of the strap unless you go looking for it.SeaJay once bubbled...
Crotch straps: Who the heck invented this torture device? I hated it.
Aha. Well, there goes the pretense of objectivity right out the window.SeaJay once bubbled...
My point? Don't let the DIR ****s tell you that "there's nothing better than a BP/Wings setup."