Kendall Raine
shadragon:The ER docs were in consultation with the DAN medics. They drew blood and the doctor said I was bent based on the both the bloodwork and physical symptoms. My knee cap was a solid red color and this was while wearing light hiking pants. If you have ever seen Stilton cheese then you know the type of deep mottling that was on my forearm. I also had deep muscle aches, a sinus type headache and visible shakes. The dive medics on the chamber had no doubts either. Any one symptom alone I could dismiss as something else; all together meant an ambulance ride.
When I was on the ferry I was telling myself over and over, "it couldn't be", not on such a relaxed dive. Yet I could feel myself getting worse and worse. There comes a point where denial is surpassed by the facts and I got there pretty quick.
As Sherlock Holmes said, "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth".
Blood work? Not challenging the diagnosis, but can you tell me what they saw in your blood that confirmed DCS? I didn't know examination of blood was a dispositive marker. Presence of inert gas bubbles in blood is definitely not dispositive of DCS, BTW.