Murray Report -- Feb 23 and 24

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Arlington TX
This trip was sponsored and/or coordinated by the Diving Rebels Scuba Club and the Scuba Dillos Diving Club.

So my report really starts on Feb 22.

I drove up to Marietta Landing on Feb 22; arrived at approx. 3:00pm. Much to my surprise, I discovered that I was the first person there! That never happens. Fortunately, three other divers showed up within 15 minutes :)

We set up camp and just settled in for a nice relaxing camp out for Friday night. After setting up camp, I wandered around a bit and did my best impression of a nerd. One of the Rebels members put together a list of geocache sites in the area. I bumbled around a bit and found one cache site before it started getting dark. While I was out caching, Timeliner showed up! Hi Time ! ! !

Leonard, Annika and Barbara invited me to join there camp site :) That was nice! Turned out to be a lot of fun too! L, A & B were extremely nice people. I had a wonderful steak and potatoes dinner on Friday night :) Yummy! Time showed up and set up the Gypsy Girl next to our camp site. Friday night was just a wonderful time with friends, beer, food and a campfire. Absolutely delightful!

Friday night was very cold too. Fortunately, we had a space heater in our tent :) Unfortunately, it popped a circuit breaker at 2am; and we couldn't find the "circuit breaker" that was hidden on the extension cord. Go figure. It got kind of cold after that.

On Saturday morning, Leonard and Annika prepared a wonderful breakfast :14: Scrumptious! Thanks L & A !!! Saturday morning into Saturday afternoon, the rest of the Rebels and Dillos began showing up. I had a great time with friends and club members on Saturday. I had so much fun, I forgot to do any diving. :coffee: I did have a good time though. I bumbled around some more on Sat morning and found another geocache site. Yes. I am a nerd. For this exercise, I dragged Time along. He actually spotted the cache as we approached within 12 ft.

Saturday afternoon, the Rebels and Dillos hosted a magnificent feast for the whole crowd of an estimated 60 - 80 divers and family in attendance. After dinner, we had one of those awesome, and legendary, February bonfires ! ! ! How awesome! The fire did not threaten to catch any trees on fire this year.

Towards the end of the bonfire, having plenty o' food and plenty o' beer in my tummy, I opted to go to bed. I still didn't get to bed for about another hour or so. It was all good though. As I dozed off to sleep, I thought I overheard someone in the camp say something about a missing diver :11: :confused:

At the time, the missing person assessment didn't really seem to urgent. It was more of a question. Where's Pauly? I haven't seen Pauly in a while. Name has been changed to protect the innocent / guilty. I awakened around 1:00am. My tentmate thought that she overheard someone in the camp ask "Do we need to mount a Search and Rescue effort?" :11:
Long story short, by the time I got dressed and egressed my tent into the 36F air temperature, gathered some of my belongings (wallet, cell phone, etc), I could see that several people in the camp were actively engaged in an S&R operation. By the time, I got into motion, the Love County Sheriff's Department, Fire Rescue, Water Rescue Boat and Oklahoma State Police were either involved or on scene.

By this time, everything in the camp area was just disorganized chaos. Everyone had bits and pieces of the situation; but nobody had one comprehensive complete picture. It took me several more minutes to completely spool up and begin to contribute to the S&R effort. By this time, the Water Rescue team had launched a boat into the water. Just as things were really starting to move, Pauly miraculously and mysteriously just walked into camp.

Pauly recieved a spot health check from Fire EMS and was provided an opportunity to warm by the fire. After the initial medical attention, the Love Couny Sheriff approached Pauly and proceeded to give a stern chastize of the entire situation; even threatening to write several citations to Pauly. Pauly explained that he wandered away from the camp earlier in the evening and decided to go walk around the lake some (I call this walk-about). Somewhere in the middle of this, he got lost. It took him a couple of hours and a motorcycle ride to get back to the campground.

All in all, a very entertaining night! I have to say, that I have never experienced the deployment of the local S&R team before. What an interesing sight. On Sunday morning, we ate breakfast, broke camp, packed up and came home.
For anyone who didn't attend this event, you missed out! This was an outstanding event! The food was great! And it had the added bonus of witnessing an S&R operation. Go figure! There's always next year . . . . .
So how was the diving and what were the water conditions?
So how many people actually got in the water?

I have attended this event in the past and it was a great time. But usually there are a bunch of people there and 2 or 4 people actually dive. :)
I lost track; but somewhere between 2 and 4 people dived this time around. Would you believe I didn't dive? I know! I can't believe it either! But, I didn't. Water temp was reported at 44F. I heard two conflicting reports on vis. One guy said the vis was <3 ft. One other diver reported vis at 10ft. I tend to believe the latter.

I don't have first hand knowledge of the dive condtions since I didn't dive. On Saturday it was a bit windy with a bit of chop on the water. Sunday (today) looked to be really good for diving. Wind was very calm. It shaped up to be a nice day by the time I departed the Landing today. But alas! I was just way tired. I was ready to head home.
Much more prompt on your trip reporting now I see. :)

Sounds like a good time. Not sure why those folks call themselves a "Dive Club" with that kind of participation though. :mooner:
Much more prompt on your trip reporting now I see. :)

Sounds like a good time. Not sure why those folks call themselves a "Dive Club" with that kind of participation though. :mooner:

I am just not sure why they call themselves a dive club.
It was still all good. I, the hard-core diver, didn't dive during this outing but still had an outstandng time just hanging out with like-minded individuals as we talked about diving :) while sitting next to the water

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