Much Needed Scuba Inventions?

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One invention that I have been thinking about for the past couple years that someone should make, well....someone has finally made underwater camera in your dive mask. Now i want to buy one to check it out! But then again, it will probably turn out very attractable as a toy for places like walmart or toys r'us.

Dive Mask Mini-Camera
Wetsuit material that doesn't compress and change buoyancy (or insulation properties) with depth.

I think Cousteau experimented with such material a few decades ago, but I haven't seen anything else about it.
A depth-triggered floatation device for u/w cameras. When the diver accidently drops his very expensive camera over a wall, the camera is feared lost, but when it hits 250' a cartridge of air inflates a bladder, bringing the $5000+ camera and housing to the surface.
A camera housing that will never leak.
I thought this thread was "Scuba Interventions". Too bad, because I know some people that need one...
We need an Air Integrated dive computer that integrates a Nitrox Analyzer. All I want to do is attach my reg and open the valve. The computer would auto-analyze the content of the tank and set the % automatically.

That really doesn't sound all that unreasonable to me.

A depth-triggered floatation device for u/w cameras. When the diver accidently drops his very expensive camera over a wall, the camera is feared lost, but when it hits 250' a cartridge of air inflates a bladder, bringing the $5000+ camera and housing to the surface.

Or a programmable timer to set off the charge, or possibly even some kind of remote to set off the charge. Could be pretty interesting.
Affordable Newtsuits. :)
The idea of spending an unlimited amount of time at any depth without decompression is my biggest fantasy.

Hey, they make those already....they're called submarines!! :lotsalove:
How about incorporating front bladders into a BP/W harness. This would give some really positive heads up flotation on the surface in rough water. Something like a pocket-meets-wing. Make it an accordian style similar to the Zeagle Ranger style wings so that it is totally flat and streamlined in normal use. The deflated bladder would be behind the pocket. A little velcro to keep it all streamlined till you inflate. A nice balance betwean a BP/Wings superior underwater performance and a jacket style BC for max comfort floating at the surface. The front and rear would be completely seperate. As a bonus there would be redundant bouyancy in the event of a wing failure without having to manage a dual bladder wing all the time.
Or a programmable timer to set off the charge, or possibly even some kind of remote to set off the charge. Could be pretty interesting.

The Navy has/had a device that did just what you’re looking for.

It was on the inflatable life rafts that sat in rectangular racks on the ships. If the ship went down the device automatically released the raft from the ship and then automatically inflated it. They ones on my ship were adjustable and I think they had them set for something like 35’.

You just need a smaller version for a camera housing.

Gary D.

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