Mr Chattertons Self Reliance Article...

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Greetings fellow divers,
I had the chance to review some of the points in this thread and wanted to make a few comments which I hope are not too far off topic.

I was interested to see that some of those in this thread associated the comments of certain individuals with impropriety at GUE. I do understand the urge, but it has always struck me as ironic that people are so willing to convey the behavior of a few, largely disassociated individuals to that of a global organization. The ironic part occurs while pre-judging the organization and bemoaning the prejudice view of a particular individual.

I would like you to know that official GUE representatives are required to behave professionally. If GUE staff or instructors behave aggressively or rudely then I would ask you to personally contact me or the organization. That behavior is considered unacceptable by our organization; it also remains within the sphere of our influence.

However, I would ask that you keep perspective when engaging a person that has no official association to GUE. These people may use GUE as a reference and may or may not accurately represent its tenants but either way they DO NOT speak for the organization; they speak for themselves.

Having said all this, I am impressed by your groups handling of this divisive issue. Your moderator and community managed to balance the issues and provide room for various views to be considered. For my part, I found some of the discussion interesting.

Ultimately these are entirely discordant views without real possibility for common ground. However, I would say it is an interesting and useful discussion. If my dive buddy is unwilling to share their breathing gas in an emergency it is something I really prefer to learn on the boat before going diving:blinking:.

Best wishes and good diving!
Jarrod Jablonski
As the original poster to this thread I request moderators close this down.
We are no where near what I originally talked about.
Thanks to all those who posted constructive thoughts and points and didn't just bitch and backstab.

Mods. Close this thread please.
JJ, nice to see you will consider John Chatterton as a dive buddy and let him on your boat in the first place. :^D
BlackPatch, I think you should feel very proud of your thread. In all the years I've been on SB, this is only the second time that Mr. Jablonski has contributed here, and you made it happen!
It has been an interesting thread for sure.

Black Patch; often, once the initial question or comment has been dealt with threads take on a life of their own and wander down what can be, a long and windy road. Sometimes they even get pretty heated but that's normal. If it makes us think about the how and why of our decisions in comparison to alternative ideas it's all good.
BlackPatch, I think you should feel very proud of your thread. In all the years I've been on SB, this is only the second time that Mr. Jablonski has contributed here, and you made it happen!

I'm not so sure that is such a great accomplishment. He's posted two times in two years. It's not like he is one of the more valuable members of ScubaBoard.
and probably the reason why.

I don't need to agree with every opinion offered but there isn't any harm in respecting them. We could do with a few more well thought out and conciliatory posts.
In a way, I'm sorry to awaken this thread, but I read something today that puts a lot of this whole discussion into context. Mr. Chatterton has posted an article on "Accomplished Bad Divers," which relates the story of a man who PLANNED his technical dives to end sharing gas with his buddies. If this is the experience that Mr. Chatterton has had with buddies and air-sharing, his attitude toward the whole thing makes a great deal more sense to me.

I said before, and I'll say again -- we dive in different worlds. Each of us who comes to this board writes from the perspective of his own experiences, and for any two people, those experiences may be so totally alien that we are almost speaking different languages. I suspect this has been the case here, judging from this article.
This thread has proven to be an exercise in how to navigate around all of the name dropping. :confused:

{{Chest thumping}} "I'm not the man!...but I know the man that knows the man!" {{chest thumping subsides}}.:rofl3:


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