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** I started a thread on the "regs" board re: yoke Vs DIN, and thought id make sure....Yoke is the prevalent system in Honduras, right? (=
** I started a thread on the "regs" board re: yoke Vs DIN, and thought id make sure....Yoke is the prevalent system in Honduras, right? (=

Yeah, but most any dive-op has the adaptification thingies.
Hi Jay,
I have been living in Utila for 5 years , its a lovely place. To find a place to stay just ask Andy to put a note in the dive centre, it should not be a problem to find a appartment to share with somebody. You are looking at 200 US for a shared place per months.
Ckeck out Tropical Sunset, there appartment are only two years old, and away from the main street, so its not so loud.

I would avoid to bring your own dog to the island, since where are you planning to leave the dog when you are diving, and that will be most of the days. Most of the dive centre would not allow everybodys dog in the centre, it just doesnt look good for other costumers.
As for you bike, dont bring your own, you can by a new one in Utila for 60US or a used one for less , its cheaper than to pay for the bike in the plane.
But be aware to buy also a good lock.
have fun over there
Thanks whalerock! Yeah im on the fense about the dog. I dont want to give him away!! Hes my buddy! I was thinking about maybe finding one of the local kids who might want to "dog sit" or something? Or maybe just leave him in the apartment (or in a yard if the place has an enclosed yard) when im diving. Andy warned me about all the poinsons that are used on the Island for rodents tho, so im taking that into consideration also...
As for the dog, theres alot paperwork in bringing him in and out, make sure you have a vet waiting for you at the airport, or however you arrive in honduras, i had fantastic results with Sarlynea(?) at Little chanps Vet clinic in SPS.

Id keep the dog in while diving, poisonings do happen on the island, i know of a woman that lost hers cause someone threw poisoned meat on her porch. Plus theres an old geezer a-hole named Jim Williams, hes some kind of broken down old traffic cop, not sure if hes even really that,he will try to lie and say hes the chief of police, DONT FALL FOR IT!. If your dog runs off leash, he might try to pull some b.s. with you. Also bring some protection when walking your dog, some people let their rotweillers and pit bulls run loose, esp. at night, more than once ive had to use my dogs nine foot chain as a weapon.

I rescued a stray there and had some trouble with him as often times the locals abandon their dogs then when touristas fix them up, they want them back. Went through some paperwork hassles but eventually got a bill of sale from the city for him.

As for apartments, countryside has some good quiet ones, as for food, Daves is great, Bush's supermarkets has more and more "real" food, check out

As for the dive shops, theyre pretty much the same, they want to run you through asap, once they have your money, you fall into the background, so DONT make the mistake of paying for your courses in a package, the 10 percent or so you save isnt worth it, the only way you get your moneys worth out of them is to make them hungry for the $$$ for the next course you may take. Once they know they have you to DM or OWSI you're screwed.

Also dont fall into the MSDT trap just a waste of money, get work as an OWSI and file the papers yourself with PADI.

IMO the fream of cheap living and friendly locals in Utila is pretty much over....
I've been to Utila for 4 days, and not to Roatan at all, so I'm totally unqualified to respond - but I feel so bad about the Wall of silence. <g>

My impression is that Utila is a backpacker's paradise. There was generally a crowd of college-age folk, although still a mix. I was 44 at the time, so maybe I'm overly sensitive. As others mentioned there is really basically Utila town and not much of anything else developed. It was a great mellow low-key place, I enjoyed it a lot and even dreamed of moving there myself. But one might go stir-crazy if not able to amuse oneself on the surface on a long-term basis.

I have the sense Roatan is has more in the way of "real life," town, etc. And also, it seems, many more resorts and more "well heeled" tourists?

As for the dog, theres alot paperwork in bringing him in and out, make sure you have a vet waiting for you at the airport, or however you arrive in honduras, i had fantastic results with Sarlynea(?) at Little chanps Vet clinic in SPS.

John could you go into any further detail on the process of bringing the dog? Also do you have any contact info for the vet u used?


Hi Jay,

The vets name is Sarolina and her e-mail is, if you get in touch with her before arrival she will meet you at the airport.

I have friends here who have brought dogs from as far as the UK, but you do need to keep an eye on them, and apartments where you can keep pets are limited.

Utila is a great place, and whilst some people come to the island and do not find employment after their training, that is no different from any other industry. However with the right attributes, attitude, demeaner, stay open minded, and you can go a long way in the Bay Islands. They are a great location for the training, experience and diving, I can even put you in touch with people who have gone through training here, and for the most part, they are all happy, even those who went on to work in other locations, it's just that you cannot please all the people all the time, especially at the same time!!!!

Warm regards,
As for bringing the dog in, I see Andy's given you her email, she was fantastic for me. As for papers check with your local gov't and airlines for any specifics. In generic terms you will need...A health certificate and/or rabies certificate, usually the health certificate will indicate rabies info, but if you can get a seperate rabies document it will ususally have more info such as type of vaccine and duration. Usually the health certidicate needs to be no more than ten days old from your entry date.

Again, have a vet waiting for you esp. in SPS is important, i made the mistake of believing the honduran embassy in my country that this was not necessary.

As for employment in the diving industry, i believe that was not a subject in my email, Andy, I was giving my opinion on how the dive shops run their courses, and if I recall, thats one of the reasons I cancelled my "go pro" package and left UDC.

The reason im not working in Utila(not that its anyones business) now is that between Jungle jim(formerly of BICD) losing and not faxing my Spec. instructor papers to PADI after they didnt receive them, and PADI not setting up my teaching status in a timely manner. It required another CD to step up and re-write my paperwork, but by then the money was gone.

My cautioning the author of this thread was in relation to being cautious about his dog's welfare on the island and how the island is changing. I could point to the rash of sailboat robberies, increase of drug related murders, Gunters lament over the "youth" of Utila, etc, etc.

A good point to remember is that while people at dive shops can be very helpful online, they DO have a vested interest to get you to their location. I'd have to agree with the previous post about Roatan ,though.

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