Monday July 5th?

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I would reccomend that everyone get there as early as possible, as it will probably get crowded rather quickly. If the parking lots get full, they won't take anyone else in until a certain time. This allows time for some vehicles to clear out of the lots so that when they reopen the gates, they actually let a good amount of people in, as opposed to having a 2 mile long line waiting at the gate. They will have a sign indicating the time that they will reopen posted at the gate. Turn around, & if you want to wait, drive back to Valentine Park, where you can park & wait. Do NOT park on the side of the road. I have seen the local police & the DEP rangers attached to the park giving folks grief when parked on the roadside.
thanks for the info scubafool, will be at the park as close to 830 as possible, I will have lights, but will dive what my buddy wants to do, see you there,
Sorry, just can't get back there Monday from Clearwater.

Deyv, enjoyed meeting and diving with you, Saturday.

David, Mavjax and I got fills from Cynthia. Put in a good word for ya!

Y'all have fun.
ok, I'm down here next to disney...missed this thread.... Wish one of you guys would have noticed my asking for a dive buddy down there this week.
David, apologies about not seeing your thread, would have asked you and between Madeline and myself we might have been able to squeeze out an extra tank or two - again sorry.

Other David (fool), and anyone else, the park wasnt too bad when i got there and met Madeline at 8.30, there were 3 other dive groups signed in that morning before us, but we only saw two of those groups when we got down to the spring (coming back up). It did get busy through the morning and the gate was shut as we left around 1.30 - as it had been before.

Ok, on to the dives, yet another nice set today, 1 more than i anticipated though :wink: Bought two tanks, and M and i went in, M was having trouble getting down (as is always a trouble at this site if you havent put loads of weight in), so we quit that one after 19 mins, back up, and i walk back to the car to pick up a few more weight and when i got back we had dive 1B - extension of 1A's tank (2000 psi left). It wasnt bad, although without lights and early in the day there is a lot of shade and you cant see all that far, that improves through the day as the sun comes overhead and illuminates things. So we got in 3 dives, all around 80-85 max, plenty of floating in the breeze, exploring a few dead end tunnels or shelves, drop throughs, flow concentration/jets and avoid the other dives dropping in after us and leaving before us (dont know its like people get scared in there). So we had a first re-orientation dive (first time back for either of us in a little while), then after dives 1B and 2 it was off for the run down the river. The level looks a little low and the flow wasnt quite as fast down the river as i recalled back in feb/march. All in all a great and enjoyable time playing in the flow. Will either wait to take someone who hasnt gone there before or until cavern cert'd to then explore what else is down there. Beyond 55ft or so it starts to darken and at around 85 you pretty much lose all illumination, still pretty to stare up the water column towards the entrance (before it gets silted out). So we had essentially 3 dives, with 1A and 1B being about 19 and 29 mins ave ~ 41ft and dive 2 being ave ~45 for about 45 mins, my ears were playing fairly and my SAC is still down after saturday's great drop into the 0.4's for the first time - kind of close to that and continuing on these dives) - so the future looks bright.
And just think, not 5 miles away the fool was sweating & cursing as he was working! You lucky dogs, you.
I never realized all the little caves down there, had a great time proving that I need lots of work on trim. cannot wait to go with lights, had a super time, thanks Simon. I see what you mean about coming first thing in the morning, they were linedup when we left, this is a fun place, one hour away, and with my new park card, cost of air only, now if I could get a cave/ cavern buddy to go with me. hint hint.
I never realized all the little caves down there, had a great time proving that I need lots of work on trim. cannot wait to go with lights, had a super time, thanks Simon. I see what you mean about coming first thing in the morning, they were linedup when we left, this is a fun place, one hour away, and with my new park card, cost of air only, now if I could get a cave/ cavern buddy to go with me. hint hint.
Cant be sure if that hint was aimed at me or Chuck, in my case, i will get there, cavern is as good as booked this fall, as for Chuck, get his lazy *&% out there!!

I found more at the park that i had realized before, so it was a nice adventure for me. I could almost see the pain in Madeline's face when she was told she couldnt take reels or lights due to me being an OW kind of guy - at least you got to explore the OW part more than you might have IF you had cavern dove it - silver linings in everything :wink:
I was talking to both of you, there is so much out there in the middle of this state, and unfortunatley you need a cavern, or intro to cave card to see it. and when you buy a card for the state parks, voila, cheap dives,
Simon, do you see how all of these superior, elititist cavern divers rush us down the path of iniquity/ They just seek someone to share in their wickedness! LOL!

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