It looks like that it's the rectifying diode on the output of the buck converter has melted. This is a sure sign that the component was stressed beyond it's power rating. Typically these driver boards are rated for ~1A draw, but by changing the feedback resistor (typical hack for these) you can get the output current up to 1.5 to 2A.
If you look at the data sheet for the XPG line of LEDs you'll see that they are rated for a nominal current of 1.5A to get the most light out of them. Bad fore sight in design is what this is.
If you look at the data sheet for the XPG line of LEDs you'll see that they are rated for a nominal current of 1.5A to get the most light out of them. Bad fore sight in design is what this is.
Dear Forum members and readers,
I had a tool made to extract the brass ring. Indeed, Michael was right, it was the suspect component on the PCB that failed. It was fried beyond recognition. There is even a small vulcano on top.View attachment 105888