Cut throat you say, Michiganders are some very competive people, and they will do what they want no matter what.
Thats right ricky, you have never seen the way diveshops, or charters, treat each other, Your wasting your time, if you think you can make a change.
Auto companys, have put a damper on goverment money, tourism, parks,the general population, has less income.
There are alot of divers that live on the great lakes that just leave from there cabins to dive, Im one of them, these wrecks are ours, If tourist want to dive them then they need to pay the big buck, and book it through the dive shops, charters.
Your not in a tourist enviorment for diving.
I actually Don,t think you have any evidence on some of the jestures you have made about the dive operators.
If you whine on this Board any more about it, don't be suprised how fast they will blackball you.
ricky you are in a very hard to make money area, the competition is in everything not just diving.
Solution, have a charter boat, fill station, captain license, and even then you will be dissapointed in how little income you have.
Good luck to you, try not to burn bridges.