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Caves: Nope not allowed
Wreck Penetration: Yep, too late for her to say no to that.

Caves are safer than wrecks... ;)
Total # of dives: 600+
Years Tech diving : 2 - started in the spring of 2009
Deco dives: 30-40ish
Trimix : yes
Instructor : no, but just started my DM course and working towards being an instructor.
Caves : Not allowed, told the wife too many scary stories. I can do everything else though :D.
Rebreathers : Nope
Which divemaster are you doing, Mike? UTD? Kudos.
Years tech diving: 8
No of deco dives: 500ish
Tech Instructor?: Not interested, but I don't mind mentoring new CCR diver.
Trimix: Yes, it's cheap (see below)
Rebreather: 4 years, 99% of the time I dive my Meg.
Cave: one of these days, I hope.
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Years tec diving: 5
No of deco dives: 200-ish
Tec instructor? Thought about it, but decided to keep a little bit of diving just for me.
Trimix? Yes
Rebreathers? Thinking about going mCCR. Have they made one that's halfwit-proofed yet?
Caves? No formal cave training.
Other comments: I got into tech for rusty metal, but it's mutated into diving deep walls for sharks (hence interest in CCR), plus some 'light' exploration of sea-caves here. Actually still haven't dived the wreck I came to the Solomons for almost four years ago!
Years tech diving: 3
No of deco dives: around 20
Trimix: IANTD Normoxic Trimix
Ice Dives: 2 (should be more but odd things happen when I start packing for an ice dive. last year it was my ice maker leaking and dripping down into the basement while I was putting the final touches on my omen?)
Rebreathers: Not yet (never if my wife has her way about it)
DIR: Took the class but we needed more time and I couldn't commit the time/money to finish up in the required time. Maybe take it again soon.
I want ro keep the story short:

Years tec diving:
No of deco dives: 1000+
Tec instructor? TDI Trimix, AdvTrimix maybe this year
Trimix? Yes, for sure
Rebreathers? Sold my YBOD the day my daughter was born (2005)
Caves? Full Cave trained but due to lack of caves in my area not valid
Other comments: Wreck addicted
Years tec diving: 2
No of deco dives: 80
Level: Intro cave, adv stage deco, all DIR
Trimix? 3 dives under supervision of tec instructor, trimix cert next summer
Rebreathers? no
DPV: waiting for my Cuda in two months
Caves? Full Cave in a month
Other comments: Wreck on my list next summer: Jodrey

So, am I borderline admissible to this forum?

I have to point out I started scuba diving at 56, I'm now 60 and going strong. Believe me, it wasn't always easy (still is not) but I have a fantastic instructor who is now my friend.
Years tec diving:Overhead since '07 I think, Full Cave in late '08
No of deco dives: I dunno, 150ish?
Tec instructor: No
Trimix: Hopefully completed in a couple weeks
Rebreathers: I preffer living
Caves: Yeah, they're OK...
Other comments: Diving as much as possible, which is extremely easy when the nearest caves are 5 miles away and several huge systems within an hours drive. I love the less traveled(or previously untraveled) sites the most.
Years tech diving: 12
No of deco dives: 100-200
Tec instructor: No
Trimix: No
Rebreathers: No
Caves: Yes since 1999 / Sidemount since 2007
Years: Three
Stage Deco Dives: <100
Multi-stage Deco Dives: minimal
Trimix: Baby trimix
Overhead: Basic wreck penetration with minimal post-course experience
CCR: Nope
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