Give your "could" and your "if" it seems pretty low probability, don't you think? In any case, recreational scuba divers are not licensed....they are certified as having passed a class. Your fear is really kind of out of bounds...it would be a state matter, not a federal matter, and the gains would be rather minimal for the effort and the bureaucracy. There are plenty of other personal safety issues that are higher on the list of concerns....and also ignored. Your very hypothetical argument is really a waste of your (and my) time.
I agree - very low probability; unless the scuba industry effectively lobbies for such actions. I used the term license as I suspect that if medical clearance became law, scuba certs would be replaced by scuba licenses. State matter, federal matter - do you think this is like marriage? I am not suggesting for a minute that is the way it should go. But, if it is really important to get entirely truthful and honest medical information, that is probably the route that will be required.
Wasting time!?!?!?! This is Scubaboard.
---------- Post added August 17th, 2015 at 08:19 PM ----------
Not sure where you get this; I've made no such "report" regarding this..
I'm pretty sure you did in another thread. Something about a diver who had a heart surgery scar. Am I mistaken?
And, I do understand. You are on the provider side and would like all the benefits and protection you can get. It is not like you need the money so there is no reason to compromise with any cost/benefit considerations.
I am on the consumer side and do not have to put up with the expense and burden of doing what you would like me to do. And I am pretty sure I am not alone. Perhaps there is a systemic problem here that could be addressed by....
Have you tried suing anyone for lying on that form? After all, anybody can sue anybody for anything. Perhaps you have some doubt you would prevail?