May We Have a Singles Forum, Please

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DrownedRat once bubbled...

It's kind of funny that the two people who have absolutely nothing to gain from the forum have argued (ahem...debated) the most :-)

I hope there are no hard feelings, let's just agree to disagree and let the moderators/operators do what they feel is best. Cheers buddy

No hard feelings from the REAL single folks....guess we thought it refreshing (or was that amusing?) to see people who have "nothing to gain' duking it out! ;)

Of course I could say that only "married" people would argue like that...(must be a learned skill for the institution......ONLY JOKING!!!) but then I'd be starting WWIII and I really don't want to do that. PLEASE PLEASE see my poor attempt at humor here!!!!

As for a singles forum or a bunch of singles threads which might one day get moved to a "singles forum"....Walter is right....start the thread with the word "SINGLES" and the title for the rest of the thread. It will warn people about it's possible content decadence (after all, we all know that single people only think about ONE thing...........come on guys...and gals....get your mind out of the _ _ _ _ _ _! I was referring to DIVING!)

Anyway....this thread has already shown the need for a new having a new forum.....non-single aka "married" people won't find our threads cluttering up thier non-diving related threads! (Again just joking!!!)

But seriously....thanks to all who have voiced an opinion either way....letting your voice be heard....or is that "fingers be heard" is important!!!
Wreck Wench once bubbled...
Of course I could say that only "married" people would argue like that...(must be a learned skill for the institution......ONLY JOKING!!!) but then I'd be starting WWIII and I really don't want to do that. PLEASE PLEASE see my poor attempt at humor here!!!!

No no no...married folk argue about nothing relevant to anything...see in this case it was 2 dudes agruing, so there was coherent thought processa and it was relevant to the topic at hand...had my wife been involved, I'm sure she would have thrown circus peanuts into the argument as to why she gained another 5 pounds 6 months ago!! :haha:

<<ducking and running for cover in hopes that wife does not read over shoulder>>
Hmmm reading this thread makes you wonder about excluding non-singles...what fun we´d miss...on the other hand we´ll still have access to their wits (?) ;) in the NDR forum...
I´m for a singles forum, like people have already said, quite eloquently, there are plenty of issues that are related to "single"-diving and as they´ll inevitably pop up anyway, why not put them in the same place for easy access?!
About the meatmarket...I´m not too worried,but then again I live half a world away from most of you crazy people :D

P.S I was thinking about adding a please-don´t take offense-disclaimer but figured you´re all smart enough to understand my feeble attempts at humour or grown up enough not to care if you dont....
I agree also a singles forum is a good idea..

I usually travel alone and the costs definately start adding up, being able to find a "buddy"with similiar interests is appealing. With a seperate formum messages, if you don't want to read singles message they will be clearly in the "singles forum" if thats your choice..

I haven't had the problem of getting buddied up with divers in many years, since if the subject is approached properly with the staff there can be acomodations, but it is a valid issue...

The issue another brough up about booking a single spot on a 6 pack is very true, luckily I havent had that problem yet..

There are so many seperate forums already whats one more.. what the admin people should be looking at is if therer are upgrades to the software that allows a person to specifiy which forums they want to appear in searches...
padiscubapro once bubbled...
I agree also a singles forum is a good idea..

There are so many seperate forums already whats one more.. what the admin people should be looking at is if therer are upgrades to the software that allows a person to specifiy which forums they want to appear in searches...

I more forum won't hurt anything....since the moderators are worried about doing about a 6 month trial or probation period?

As for s/w that lets you subscribe to only the forums you want to appear in searches....that would be cool too however there is one thing I've not figured out about this do they make money? I haven't seen a membership fee....don't see any advertising from vendors....don't see how the board is don't see how in the world they can pay to keep it running let alone make software upgrades!

Maybe they will compromise and just do another forum which is cheaper of course.....Aha! A possible new angle...

P.S. I'm not sure we really have the clout for a new forum....seems we haven't had anyone but you PadiScubaPro make a post in quite sometime. I guess of the 18k members on this board...all but 75 or so are married........

Oh NO....Tell me it isn't so....
Wreck Wench once bubbled... do they make money? I haven't seen a membership fee....don't see any advertising from vendors....don't see how the board is funded...
Essentially the board is funded by King Neptune and Lady Diver...

For a shade more information, check here I believe people like Tech Admin volunteer time to keep the software up to date and make changes as requested.
Wreck Wench once bubbled...

... there is one thing I've not figured out about this do they make money? I haven't seen a membership fee....don't see any advertising from vendors....don't see how the board is don't see how in the world they can pay to keep it running let alone make software upgrades!

I'd certainly be willing to contirubute money!! :$: It wouldn't hurt to have voluntary contributions. Voluntary in that no one would be required to pay, and Contributions in that no one would be given anything in return for donating. But I guess we'd then need a treasurer and a income and expense statement, maybe a 501(c)3 corporation? FCC might have to be considered, DOT, USDA, Smokey Bear, etc...??

thanks, don
Hey we should know the vote on the singles forum this week!!! Anyone got any turkey leftovers they can send to the mods? You know...more of a good thing is a good thing!!! JUST TEASING!!! I think we should send MONEY instead....correction....donations!!! LOL!!!
I can't believe they closed the other single thread....nor can I believe that we have been turned down AGAIN!

As a female I feel there are unique circumstances that impact me as a diver and yes I'd like to discuss those issues with OTHER FEMALE divers. Therefore I think it is appropriate to have a women's forum. Why did you approve a women's forum if not for this subset of the diving population to have a separate place to discuss issues important to them?

As a single diver I feel there are unique circumstances that impact me as a diver and yes I'd like to discuss those issues with OTHER SINGLE divers. Therefore I think it is appropriate to have a single's forum.

How is this any different? The latter is more inclusive of people then the former and yet women have thier own forum?

The comment was made that the board hasn't allowed a "Married Diver Forum" and therefore shouldn't allow a singles forum. I've searched and can't find a single request for a "married divers forum". I guess that is why you can find a hundred SINGLE DATING sites...but not ONE MARRIED COUPLES internet site. The answer is that there is not enough interest nor uniqueness to warrant it.

In the old days single females were so rare that they were called 'old maids' they are so common they are called "mom, sister, friend, co-worker, boss, neice, daughter, neighbor and friend!" There is a huge demand for better ways for singles to meet and connect in the diving world and yes our diving family. What is wrong with that? Isn't that part of what Scubaboard is supposed to be?

The comment was made that this is a family forum and allowing singles to have their own forum or NDI club would somehow compromise the family atmosphere of this board. Hasn't anyone checked that many of the singles in this WORLD as well as on this board have children!!! In fact more probably have children then do not. WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD A PARENT...regardless of marital status.....DO ANYTHING TO COMPROMISE A FAMILY ATMOSPHERE?????

I'd like to know how many of the mods who voted on this forum are married and how many are single? Being married should not remove you from the needs of being single....just as being a male should not remove you from the needs of being a female or vice versa. Why should this be any different?

And say that there is no need, no reason, no demand, no desire, nor any value in having a singles forum is in fact saying we aren't welcome in this "Scubaboard Family". Maybe therein lies the implies parents and the institution of marriage....I guess you are saying by being a family that singles are in fact excluded! All we asked for was a simple forum or NDI club and we volunteered to man more thread police for self police....basically do whatever it took to make it work. And your answer don't belong on a family oriented, wholesome, scubadiving ONLY related board.
The other thread will be opened shortly. And the vote results will be given.
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