Hehehe...Adobo:No worries. My trip is booked and payed for. I'm coming regardless. If conditions stink and you guys thumb the dives, I'll go to the pool in my hotel to work on my back kick.![]()
Out of curiousity, how much time do they give you to do the different tests?
Well, Adobo, don't feel you can't thumb the dive, too!

The swim tests are done on a 5-point scale. I don't remember the whole scale, but I think the 800-yard snorkel had to be done in 12 minutes for 5 pts, the 400-yard swim in 6 minutes, and the 100-yard tow in 2 or 3 minutes. From there, every minute or two reduces you by a point.
You have to total 12 between the four items in order to pass the stamina portion.