Yeah, the trouble with whale season can be that it is also the windy season- in February we got blown out of 3 days of diving, so I did not get to do any! Snorkeled a lot though, and we also did kayak whale watching, which was awesome. You can definitely hear the whales, even while swimming and even more so if you drop down a little.
Let me know if you need any Kona tips, we did 9 days driving around the entire island. I really enjoyed the eastern and southern points, especially Volcanoes National Park and the northeast corner. Pahoa is pretty cool too, if you don't mind going off grid a little and hanging with some crunchy granola types
Let me know if you need any Kona tips, we did 9 days driving around the entire island. I really enjoyed the eastern and southern points, especially Volcanoes National Park and the northeast corner. Pahoa is pretty cool too, if you don't mind going off grid a little and hanging with some crunchy granola types