Hey C-horse,
With a non-purge mask, it seems to work better if you do look down slightly, begin to exhale nasaly and then look up, all the while holding your mask to your forehead so that the water has to leave via the lower edges of the skirt.
With a purge mask, the purge valve needs to be at the lowest point of the mask. With my Ocean Master mask, this really only requires looking straight ahead and exhaling. It's not a bad idea with a purge mask to hold it tightly to your face so the air fills the mask and forces the water out as you exhale rather than escape around the skirt. Also, it seems to work better for me if I exhale easily rather than in a big burst. When I do the slow exhale, the water just drains right out, with no real effort at all.
When equalizing while descending, the object is to add air to the spaces that are being squeezed. Pressure is greater (and building while descending) outside your air spaces, so blowing slightly, generally while pinching the nostrils shut will add air to these spaces. Sucking would do just the opposite. In the case of mask squeeze, exhaling slightly into the mask will equalize it so that it doesn't feel like your face is being smashed.
After only the first couple of confined water dives, you will probably get this down to the point where you kinda snarl your nose, blow and VOILA, no more squeeze. Equalization needs to be done early and often while descending. I.e. don't wait until you feel the squeeze, stay ahead of it.
It's a good idea to start thinking about equalizing before you get in the water and practice doing it slow and easy. Don't blow hard, or (as I hear) this could lead to ear infections by blowing mucus up into the middle ear via the eustachian tubes. I'm no expert, but it seems to make sense.
On the way up, these air spaces generally equalize without you doing anything special to make it happen. Perhaps some of the members with a heckuva lot more experience than I, could give some pointers on reverse squeezes.
Good luck and have fun,