I'll be glad for an comments...
I was told to just show up to the beginners group with sweatpants, socks and a t-shirt so see how things went. The beginners class is more or less run by one of the blackbelts under the supervision of the head instructor. And then he teaches the intermediate onward.
I was told that there were normally 3 other beginners but for whatever reason they didn't show up. There were also some intermediate students assisting & practicing some more of the basics. Overall it was the head instructor, a black belt, a brown belt, a purple belt and myself.
The instructor described the discipline as really old japanese battlefield techniques. Dispatch your opponent quickly so you can turn your attention to the next one...
The basic format consisted of the blackbelt demonstrating a number of skills or drill which we would then perform and be critiqued on. The head instructor would sometimes add comments or other info.
They were -
Gymnastics type stuff:
Front roll
Back roll
some handspring type thing which they didn't want me to do yet.
(so I did more cartwheels)
front falling break (?)
back falling break (?)
rolling break (?)
Basic punches & kick (on dummy):
closed fist to solar plexus & neck
knuckled fist to either side of the neck or eyes
chop to either side of the neck or either temple
kick with heel to solar plexus
Everything stepping through & leverages the body.
Then one of the basic take downs. The description that was given was that someone reaches for your lapel to punch you in the face. Start square, turn to the outside while grabbing the wrist/hand. Grab with the other hand, step back and roll them down.
I would say this took a little more than an hour. I was told the beginner level typically lasts from 60-90 days. I was also told that I would need to show up at least 2 more times before discussing a possible membership. He said they want to check me out a bit more and also that I should go out and look at other shops and be sure this was what I wanted to do.
I stayed to watch the intermediate level class. Again, it was a small class and the blackbelt stayed to assist. He also did a bit of practice having several of the intermediate students come at him at once with 'swords'. For the most part he as assisting. They were learning the chain. They various stuff with the chain (used ropes instead). They practiced defence against two types of sword attacks with the chain.
The head instructor and the blackbelt both seemed to be in excellent shape. Their movements were smooth and precise like I would expect. The brownbelt seemed mostly on the ball but wasn't as smooth or technically correct. The purple belts ranged. Some were decent and some seemed to be floundering. I had much better active flexibility than almost all of the purple belts I noticed. But I guess after 11 years of climbing...
While doing the take downs I was working with the brownbelt and the head instructor. When told to really make an effort to grab the brownbelts lapel, I could do it before he got my hand. But I am pretty quick and have excellent reflexes.
I very much got the impression that the degree of attention you got was highly related to your dedication and desire for improvement.
As far as being sore... Not as bad as the first time I tried jumping rope, did it for 35 minutes and couldn't walk for the next 3 days but... I did have trouble walking down the stairs this morning! My upper leg, gluteal, tricepts and certain odd stomach muscles are pretty sore.
Any thoughts?