Martial Arts Training?

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Well if you learned more fighting skills in 3 months of boxing than 4 years of Kenpo that clearly demonstrates there was something wrong with your training, Kenpo incorporates boxing skills along with many other skills not found in boxing, and it is a battle oriented art, which boxing is actually not, though I would say western boxing is superior at a particular range in some conditions ~Z
zeN|| once bubbled...
Well if you learned more fighting skills in 3 months of boxing than 4 years of Kenpo that clearly demonstrates there was something wrong with your training, Kenpo incorporates boxing skills along with many other skills not found in boxing, and it is a battle oriented art, which boxing is actually not, though I would say western boxing is superior at a particular range in some conditions ~Z

Hey Zen, I probably would have made the same statement a few years ago before I stepped into a ring.

It's the intensity of the training that is the difference. You take a look at some of the top Kenpo guys like Trejo, Palanzo, Huk, etc. The are not exactly in fighting shape. Don't get me wrong they have been involved in martial arts long enough to be some tough guys. Heck, Trejo used to be a amateur boxer if I remember right. I think he could easily attest to the fighting abilities of conditioned boxers.

Must martial artist just are not in fighting shape. Half of boxing training is about conditioning. To but it in perspective when I started going to a boxing gym I could not last for two, 2 minute rounds in the ring. At the time I was racing mountain bikes riding around 75 to 100 miles a week. I thought I was in good cardio shape, I learned other wise.

By the way, my old instructor was a third generation Parker student.

Conditioning is key. I'm no boxer, but the idea of stepping into a ring and beating another guy into unconsiousness with a padded glove is quite a feat. You gotta be able to not only dish it out, but take it too.
Another important point is number of concepts to grasp. Most martial arts will invlove far too many concepts, where as in boxing you'll more likely run into several years of right-cross-hook. As my Sifu is fond of saying... "I'm not afraid of the guy who can do 1000 kicks, it's the guys who can do the same kick 1000 times who scares me." Professional boxers literally train till they puke, then get up and keep going, and that's truly scary.

Just my 0.2 cents CDN

Well the original post was about 3 months of training.....
And yes, that is where boxing excels, and asian martial arts USUALLY errs in this country-CONDITIONING, however this is a matter of how the course is taught, and how one trains, not the system itself,
I had one instructor who ran a school like a Spartan training school for gladiators, the students fought once a week, full contact, full force, people were getting knocked out, knocked down, we trained till we had abs of iron-you had to train hard to keep from getting injured, we had boxers, karate, wrestlers etc in the class, and boxers had NOTHING on us. Asian Martial arts in the US are overly commercialized for the purpose of seperating you from your CASH, but in terms of fighting systems they are far and above boxing in terms of a complete system of fighting,
However having said that western boxing is superior at a particular distance, economical in conservation of energy, basic techniques incorporating speed and power, with an emphasis on conditioning-in reality what we call boxing is not new, but a subset of asian fighting systems, these techniques, punches, movements can all be found in asian systems ~zeN

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