Married, Single, Tech or Rec?

What kind of diver are you?

  • Non-Diver

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Recreational (Dive within NDL) and Single

    Votes: 45 26.5%
  • Recreational (Dive within NDL) and Married

    Votes: 72 42.4%
  • Technical (wreck) and Single

    Votes: 9 5.3%
  • Technical (wreck) and Married

    Votes: 26 15.3%
  • Technical (cave) and Single

    Votes: 8 4.7%
  • Technical (cave) and Married

    Votes: 10 5.9%

  • Total voters

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My buddy and I were trying to figure if there's any connection between the type of diving and whether or not there's someone at home who would be really upset if you got injured, so here's the survey!

Also, do you think the presence of a significant-other/kids at home has an effect on the amount of risk you're willing to take?


I started diving at 17, dove till I was about 20 then gave it up when I moved away from warm and clear water. Now thirty years later I just got recertified with my 12 year old son. Fortunately we both got checked out on a gorgeous coral reef.

I suspect we all will remain recreational divers. When I was in high school I lost two friends to cave diving so I doubt I will ever be a caver. I have little interest in North Eastern wrecks, at least so far. I have adapted well enough to the Northern climes but when it comes to diving I am still a Southern boy.
I'm tech certified and married but I stay pretty much within recreational limits. That has a lot to do with none of my regular buddies being tech certified and I also dive with my kids frequently.

I'm Tech certified and married, and if I was single I would dive a lot more that for sure.
Learned in the service, learned "tech/rec" after. Was married when I was still cave, wreck diving and considering my past exploits.... no complaints from my wife about any kind of diving. No caves anymore, just not as fun as it used to be. but will never give up wreck or rescue/recovery....I hope...
Married, and just finished my full cave. My wife never wants to know if I am going on a normal recreational dive (afraid sharks will eat me) or a cave (the gators will get me, or the cave itself). She just wants me to call when I get out of the water. I often travel to areas where there is diving for my job, so she is not normally with me, so she might not even know if I am going in the water on any given day unless I tell her ahead of time, which I have learned not to do.

Mark Vlahos
Married, dive NDL, but only recently certified so I plan on going tech at some point. Likely do wreck this year.
Sometimes we dive rec together, but not often. Usually whether I'm diving rec or tec, she just wants me to call when I get out of the water.

She's been to 165' feet with me. Says deep isn't for her.
She's been inside of wrecks with me. She likes wrecks, But near home the best ones are deep dark and cold. She likes the warmer stuff.
She's been in a Cavern with me, But isn't interested in Cave.

I still Love her :wink:

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