Marineland (PV) - September 14th, 8AM

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Reaction score
Yorba Linda, CA
# of dives
50 - 99
Everyone is invited to join us for our weekly dives. This week we will be diving at Marineland (PV)

Place: Marineland (PV)

Time: 8am

Directions: Old Marineland

*At the cross of Cressmont Ln and Palos Verdes

Site Info

Please RSVP in the Calendar, if you plan to attend.

Safety Note:

The Beach Crabs are a dive scheduling group. We schedule dives. Each diver is responsible for making sure they have planned their individual dives, are experienced enough to do the dives, and have talked with and feel comfortable with a dive buddy. These dives are scheduled for your enjoyment. Scubaboard, The Beach Crabs, and the participants, of these dives, are not responsible for you, your equipment, for your dive planning, determining your qualifications for these dives, or teaming you with an experienced buddy. You alone are solely responsible for your diving activities! Make sure you dive in a safe and responsible manner. By participating in The Beach Crabs events, you agree to these terms
I'm Not going to make it. But day you sure put it up quick. Was going to do it after the dive today and get home and you have it up :) I guess thats what i get for having a busy weekend and Long day on Monday. Thanks
I'll likely make this provided conditions don't appear to be crapola. Hope someone goes that knows the site, I've never been there...
Posted via Mobile Device
I'm Not going to make it. But day you sure put it up quick. Was going to do it after the dive today and get home and you have it up :) I guess thats what i get for having a busy weekend and Long day on Monday. Thanks

Haha, sorry about that, I just noticed the boards have been kinda dead the last week or so. Just want to keep the crabs going strong w/the Rickster on the DL.
Hehe...... Thats ok :) whats the DL?
Ah ok :)
I'll likely make this provided conditions don't appear to be crapola. Hope someone goes that knows the site, I've never been there...
Posted via Mobile Device
I made my 299th Marineland dive last Saturday. It was crapola. I'm hoping for a better dive for #300.
The trail is .6 miles long. If you have a cart or wagon with large tires you might want to bring it. If it's REALLY flat, you can enter from the Point, but it's not recommended for new visitors or if the conditions aren't perfect. Many divers enter from Cobble Beach and make the 1/4 mile surface swim to the Point.
Most choose the easier route and head for the 120 Reef. It's boring compared to the pinnacles at the Point, but a shorter swim. Due to the deep water off the Point, temps here are usually about ten degrees colder than nearby sites. It was 55F last weekend.










Is anyone else planning to go to Marineland on Sunday or will I be all alone? It would be nice to have a buddy. I'll bring a big wagon and share.....Jim
I would *like* to go. I won't know for sure till tomorrow if I can though. So who is actually for sure planning to go?

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