Marijuana - Consequences from Use and Diving

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I'm new to diving but back in the day I smoked enough reefer to...what...sink a battle ship? Nine out of ten times, hell, ninety-nine out of a hundred times nothing would happen with the stoned and diving mix. But that one time will occur and you'll be too high, too out of touch to respond appropriately. You have to be an idiot to dive while you're high. Party afterwards, dude and duddette.
The Kraken:
Greetings, Happy Divers !!!!

I have deleted a couple of posts in this thread. Why? The posts indicated an advocation of the use of a controlled substance while scuba diving.

The does not condone or advocate the use of controlled substances or illegal activities.

This thread is a very interesting one, and it addresses an issue that is very common is certain diving locales. We encourage the enlightened discussion of such topics, but we can't support the advocation of actions that increase the possibility of accident or of those that are illegal.

The topic or whether or not one would dive with an impaired buddy is an exceedingly important one. We all should be conscious of our buddy's state of mind and being before a dive.

Your personal choices are just that, personal. But keep in mind that what you post here can have a direct effect and influence upon a new and impressionable diver. Let's try to keep everyone as safe as possible.

Thanks for your understanding . . .

The Kraken

Kraken why not let the posts stay. I'd love to hear how in the world someone could defend being high, drunk, whatever, and diving. I think it would be a rather lively discussion to say the least!!!
No need to apologize, no argument from me, vaporize it, snort it, smoke it; no skin off my nose. The "good stuff" is THC; nobody has a clue as to the long term effects. You are an informed person, make your choices. In relation to diving; a drunk does not know they are drunk, due to the nature of the effect of alcohol as a central nervous system depressant. Someone who is high is not capable of recognizing how impaired they are, if you are comfortable with it, by all means do it.

Oh I dunno man. When I'm drunk, I pretty much know it :D

Also, my previous posts make it sound like I have something against pot. I don't. At least 70% of my friends smoke it, and they seem ok to me. I just don't think its a good idea right before descending into the briney deeps...
So guys...humour me here......

Not that I am in any way advocating diving stoned - I think it's a bad idea. However, considering that apparently LOT'S of people have done....or still many accidents have been caused by this reason? In fact (playing Devil's Advocate a little!!!), how is anyone sure that accidents haven't been averted by the fact that someone was laid back enough not to panic in a potentially dangerous situation and did the right thing...(albeit rather slowly!)????
I 've read the thread too and think Frank, Howard, and Kim have a valid observation

Me? ... I don't care what you do, after the dives .. as long as it does not impare your next day's dives with me
So guys...humour me here......

Not that I am in any way advocating diving stoned - I think it's a bad idea. However, considering that apparently LOT'S of people have done....or still many accidents have been caused by this reason? In fact (playing Devil's Advocate a little!!!), how is anyone sure that accidents haven't been averted by the fact that someone was laid back enough not to panic in a potentially dangerous situation and did the right thing...(albeit rather slowly!)????

Good point to ponder. Also consider all of the 'legal' psychoactive meds that prevent panic, depression, and anxiety. These substances all can cut both ways.

Oh I dunno man. When I'm drunk, I pretty much know it :D

Also, my previous posts make it sound like I have something against pot. I don't. At least 70% of my friends smoke it, and they seem ok to me. I just don't think its a good idea right before descending into the briney deeps...

I should have used the term impaired, rather than drunk. The degree of impairment becomes important in task loading. NHTSA did the research on this in the '70s. Most folks are aware of their impairment when they are gutter crawling, snot slinging drunk. Or when they are too stoned to speak. The danger, whether driving or diving comes into play when the individual is task loaded and their attention is divided; a couple of drinks, or beers, no effects noticed-driving down the same road a child darts out, reaction time is slowed, horrific results. Same thing with a couple of tokes.

Diving requires task loading, multiple events going on around one, when perception of time and space becomes distorted, or when the CNS is depressed, normal responses go out the window.

A very simple event such as a mask being kicked loose by another diver might be the event that divides attention enough for very bad things to happen......

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