Well... did not want to upset anyone but your response does kind of go with my thesis that DIR is getting Quasi religious.......
Anyway some specific responses:
{You insult people while you dont even know what you are talking abouth. Well if DIR is so bad ? Why are you listening to them anyway?}
Who did I insult??? Did I say DIR is bad at all? (much less 'so bad'). I just said that it was not all for ME.
{"Seriously though - I've read Jarrod's book. It contains some very good advice but reads more like some fundementalist religious tract than an 'educational' document."
Nonsens, give some REAL proof.}
'reads more like' is clearly an OPINION not a statement of fact - proof of an opinion?.....
{You are pretending that you understand DIR.}
Where did I make that claim? but - to DIR's credit - it is not particularly complex.
"In the big picture DIR will come and go in the same way as other 'total solutions'. It will definitely add much value to the sport (certainly more than HUB........) but it is taking itself way too seriously for me at the moment. I am always cautious of solutions that claim to be the ONLY way. The world tends to be more complex than that. "
{Again nonsens and you dont know what you are talking about.
The person who compares HUB with DIR does nt only understand anything abouth DIR but also knows nothing abouth diving at all. Even the dumbest imbecile person understands the difference between these two.}

You really cannot read can you? or understand irony. Try again - what I said was DIR adds "much value" to the sport whilst HUB IMHO does not. I did NOT even come close to saying they were the same. My guess is we agree on this.
I am sure you are uninterested but here is a summary of my OPINIONS:
- DIR is a very good system indeed, with many first class ideas.
- It may be becoming unnecessarily prescriptive for OW diving where there are other viable options to some elements of the DIR equipment philosophy.
- DIR advocates 'appear' to be occasionally doctrinaire and intolerant of other ideas.
- Glad you are not my dive buddy:mean:.
Please do me a favor and read this carefully before breaking your keyboard. You might find we agree more than we disagree....
(a happy 'dumb imbecile') :tease: