March '05 Dive Reports

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Yeah, Myrna took the kids there on Sunday and said Malaga was pretty trashed. Landslides and stuff.

By the way, what do you mean about getting a ticket at Malaga?
The parking lot, and several streets in the area are posted no parking 9:00 PM to 5:00 AM or so. Some divers have been ticketed on night dives when they stayed past 9:00 pm.
Dive Location:Hen Rock, Catalina
Time: 7:08 pm
Bottom Time:52 minutes
Max Depth:46 feet
Vis:Excellent, maybe 50 feet
Wave height:0-1
Temp at depth:60
Surface Temp:63
Comments:I've only dived a single tank a handful of times in the past ten years. Last night we decided to make a quick run to the island for a single dive, so I brought my 95. We geared up and jumped in. I had a little trouble getting down the anchor chain. I triple checked to be sure there was no air in my wing or drysuit. I got to the anchor in 33 feet and grabbed a bug right away. While measuring him I kept popping off the bottom. It was then I realized I had left my weightbelt on the boat. I miss my doubles and V-weight. :D
After going back for my weights I met up with Ross-O again. I found two nice Moray eels, three large green abs and a small Leopard shark. Would have been a great photo dive if I hadn't been there for bugs. After nearly an hour I had only spotted shorts, so I came home empty handed. Ross grabbed two nice ones, including the largest of the night. Tom also got two nice ones and Marc brought home four. I had four extra hours of sleep yesterday, so I was able to make the dive and be home in bed by 11:00. I had a great time, but steak and lobster would sure be good tonight. :(
Date:St Patrick's day!
Dive Location:La Jolla Shores- cabezon cruiser
Bottom Time: 36 mins
Max Depth: 132ft
Vis:10 -15ft
Wave height: 1ft
Temp at depth: 55F

Comments: A seadeucers day at the shores! We had four of us gearing up for a concerted assault on the cabezon cruiser; since we actually planned on finding it, I was not allowed to navigate and Eric provided the plan: swim to the pink buoy, go down to 130ft and follow the contour until the cruiser heaves into sight (actually, I think even I could get that right).
We duly followed the plan and, lo and behold, there was the boat in exactly the right spot! I came up to it and prepared to take a few photos when something very strange occurred; you remember that part of 'The Mummy' when that aeroplane is flying ahead of a dust storm with a face in it? Well that was pretty much much what happened next, but in order to protect the guilty I will not publish the identity of the face in question.
No matter, it was a good dive and I even managed to get a couple of photos; too late to publish them today, I will put them up tomorrow.
SUrface conditions were as good as yesterday, with a little more chop probably indicative of rougher weather to come but water clarity still good so I think it is still time to go diving until the rain actually begins to fall.

Date: March 16, 2005
Dive Location: Hermosa Beach Sea Witch
Time: 7:51 p.m.
Bottom Time: 40
Max Depth: 85
Vis: 20 - Very Clear
Wave height: Flat
Temp at depth: 59 add a T/Cline 57
Surface Temp: 64
Dive Group:

Pasley summed up the first dive, I also managed to get one lobster on this dive. The viz was very much on our favor.

Date: March 16, 2005
Dive Location: Palos Verdes, Avalon Wreck
Time: 9:25 p.m.
Bottom Time: 35min
Max Depth: 75
Vis: 40+ - Beyond great
Wave height: Flat
Temp at depth: 56
Surface Temp: 60
Dive Group:

Pasley out for the night I buddied with Poolshark, we went down the anchor and headed 20 degress to the wreck. Visability was amazing, I can see as far as my light cut through the dark. With 40 ft of viz spotting lobsters was easy, many short were roaming around the reef. When we got to the wreck the lobsters got larger, there were many legal that were out of reach. With a good technique and plan I was able to grab 2 lobsters. Poolshark lit up the wreck as I went shopping, what a team! Time went very quick, we covered lots of ground on this dive.

Overall, the 2 tank dive boat: Island Diver chartered by Dan Drood had 8 divers and we cashed out on 7 lobsters (not to mention Chris's beast). Alec did a great job picking the dive sight. Durring our dive interval Dan and Terrance also demonstrated a textbook O2 procedure.

I recommend that you jump on with the group, as you can see we got what we came out for.
Dive Location: Divers Cove / Boat Canyon / Shaw's Cove
Time: 12:15 P.M.
Bottom Time: 1:14
Max Depth: 40
Vis: 10' ... Improving
Wave height: 1' - 2'
Temp at depth: 62
Surface Temp: 64

Entered at Diver's Cove, thinking large rays would be up feeding prior to the coming storm. Saw only one large one. Two large sheep crab at Divers were eyeing each other from about 2" ... Think they were two males preparing to fight for mating rights. In & through Mermaid's grotto, in & out of the cuts in boat canyon. Navigated over to the sand to the navigation course in Shaw's Cove. Checked it out, running into another large (1') sheep crab who went into the jujitsu defensive posture when I approached. Cracked me up. Went into & through the notch at Shaw's, picking up three beer bottles as I did so. I'd love to find the ********** that keeps throwing them into the notch and insert them somewhere else instead of the trash can at the bottom of Shaw's Steps. Circled the reef, going back into moaning tunnel before existing. Saw all the usual suspects: eels, octos, lobster, etc. It might be my imagination, but the lobsters all seemed to be within easy reach and were all laughing at me because the season is now over! All in all the best beach dive in months, although it was raining as I drove home ....
Date: 18th March
Dive Location: a Jolla Shores South Walls area
Time: 9:15 am
Bottom Time: 44 mins
Max Depth: 109 ft
Vis: 25 ft
Wave height: None

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimbal in the wabe.
All mimsy were the borogroves
And the mome rath outgrabe

All this at the shores, and on a friday too!

Well, maybe we didn't find the Jaberwock, but we did have an excellent dive with the best vis if the week so far. After the successful navigation yesterday, I decided to follow the same general plan today with the exception that we stayed at around 100ft and mooched around the walls above the cruiser. The vis was good enough to give it that "Grand Canyon" feeling, and we saw enough crritters to make it interesting. Garnet says he saw a large black seabass but I can't corroborate that (since I never seem to see these huge fish that everyone else claims are around I am beginning to get a little suspicious that my leg is being pulled)

There was a really cool octo inside a pipe chowing down on a nice crab breakfast which made a good picture.

Long Beach, Aquarium of the Pacific

Dive #1
Time in 13:33
Max depth 27ft
Water temp 68
Dive time 19 minutes
saw yellowtail, white seabass, halibut, shovelnose sand sharks, leopard sharks, bat rays, barracuda and what ever else they have in that exibit. Fed a couple of the sand sharks.
Surface Interval 45min.
Dive #2
Water temp 79 degrees
Max depth 23 feet
dive time 15 minutes
started at 14:38
Saw Napleon fish, Stingrays, Unicorn fish, and a number of other tropical fishes that I don't know the names of. Note: 78degree water temp, so nice to dive in.
SI 25 min.
Dive #3
water temp 68 degrees
Max depth 25 ft
time in 15:19
dive time 13 minutes
Saw exact same fish as in dive #1 :)
SI 29min.
Dive #4
in at 16:04
water temp 79 degrees
max depth 14 ft.
Saw same fish as in Dive #2

This was my first day as an exibit volunteer diver at the aquarium.
Don't worry there will be no future dive reports from the Aquarium of the Pacific. I just had to do 1 dive report for fun.
MAX DEPTH: 93 fsw
AVE DEPTH: 43 fsw
BOTTOM TIME: 50 minutes
VISIBILITY: 15-25 feet (infinite in the shallows)
Temp Surface: 56 degree F
Temp Bottom: 54 degree F
No waves, no surge slack tide

Images Here:

Sean Tyler and I met at Vallecetos "around" 10pm for some true night diving. The seas were like glass without a single wave. The wind was out of the east and although the dark clouds loomed over us, only a light sprinkle dampened us as we geared up for the dive.

Strolling into the water we were amazed at how calm it was. It was like wading into a large swimming pool and the water in the shallows was gin clear. Clear and full of life including many lobsters scurrying about in less than 3 feet of water. Very strange indeed but this is a marine preserve and no one will ever convince me that they don't know it.

We reached our drop in point and after going over the dive plan and doing final checks we slipped beneath the glassy surface and into the liquid night below.

As we cruised over the sand on our westerly tack I came across a navanox searching for a meal. We would see several on this dive in various color schemes from black to bronze. Moving on I found my "discovery of the night"! The largest moon snail I have ever seen. This grand daddy was easily the size of my fist and covering in old weathered barnacles. Like a snow plow he pressed his massive shell forward through the sand paying no attention to the giggling idiot photographer next to him.

Slipping over the wall and deeper into the canyon we found more octopus than we could count. They were everywhere and in all sized and colors.

Oh yeah, did I mention the visibility was spectacular tonight. You could see clearly 3-4 complete distinct steps in the canyon wall and visibility was only limited to how far you light would shine. It wasn't gin clear like the shallows but still an awesome night to be in the canyon with no surge at all and stuff everywhere. Juvenile horn sharks and barred sand bass kept company while sheephead cruised the walls. Several large sheepcrabs were spotted and cusk eels were out in force. At one point there were so many sticking out of the sand that I was reminded of garden eels we say in Hawaii.

Hitting our turn pressure we made our way back up slope just south of the point and headed back across the sand. Some would say this is the "boring" part of the dive but I always find great stuff if I take my time and look. Tonight we had large lizard fish peering out of the sand, only eyes and teeth showing, plainfin midshipmen wriggling desperately to bury themselves as we approached, sculpin in infinite varieties as well as turbot and sole were seen.

Tyler and I stopped to admire a large white shrimp and then further in as we passed the huge sand dollar fields we found a California armina munching on a sea pansy.

The water was so clear and calm that we were in 5 ft of water before we knew it and looking up you could see the raindrops hitting ocean surface.

Standing up we strolled in trying not to step on the lobsters as we went.

Sean and Tyler stayed for a second dive and I packed the truck and headed home.
Awesome night of diving.

Terry S.
Date: 19th March
Dive Location: Avalon Point - Catalina
Time: 10:15 am
Bottom Time: 23 mins
Max Depth: 44 ft
Vis: 20+ ft
Bottom Temp: 59
Wave height: 2-4ft

Date: 19th March
Dive Location: Avalon Point - Catalina
Time:12:15 am
Bottom Time: 37 mins
Max Depth: 45 ft
Vis: 20+ ft
Bottom Temp: 61
Wave height: 1-3ft

Comments: This day started out like crap... The boat told us they were probably not going to leave because of "reports" they had of huge waves and very turbulent weather all around catalina.. After about a half hour of waiting the boat decided to leave. The ride there was RIDICULOUS... Catalina express looked like it was smooth as ever, but we were all over the place. Once we arrived the first location looked horrible. Huge swells rocked the boat and it looked like the day was a loss.. We moved a 1/2 mile or so north and the water was ALMOST dead calm.

Being that it was my first time to Catalina, I cant really say if the conditions were great, but they sure seemed like it to me.

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