Date: 3/11/05
Dive Location: Seawitch, Redondo Beach
Max Depth: 85ft
Vis: 10-20ft
Bottom Time: 40min
Wave height: 1-2ft
Temp at depth: 56
Surface Temp: 60
I jump on the Island Diver again this time for some lobster, vis was great but didn't see any lobsters on this dive. Lots of other critters and fish out playing but no bugs to be seen.
Date: 3/11/05
Dive Location: Hermosa Art Reef, Redondo Beach
Max Depth: 68ft
Vis: Black-15ft
Bottom Time: 15min
Wave height: 1-2ft
Temp at depth: 55
Surface Temp: 58
The dive started bad, my zipper was not up all the way......brrrrrrr....brrrrrrrrr...brrrrrrrr. Got to the bottom adjusted the zip as best possible. Within minutes I ran into 4 bugs! I caught 3 bugs, two of them were barely legal or not, so I left them for next year. I got one 1.5lb out of this dive and decided to call the dive........brrrrrrrrrrr.....not to mention to viz suddently went to black.
Can't wait for Wednesday, Island Diver again.