@tiburonarizona. I am 5’2 and dive the VDH 18 with al 80’s and 63’s. Its all the wing you will need for aluminum tanks/tropical diving and packs easily.
Here’s a photo of me with a 63 tank and the VDH wing...
View attachment 533383
Is there a diver in that picture? I can't see you. LOL
@Zef - I agree with you that the difference between diving, just for example, a VDH 18 and 35 is so small that maybe nobody could actually tell a difference in a blind comparison. Maybe. Even if could tell a difference, it would be SMALL. Thus my last sentence in my previous post. A person with only a VDH 35 for single tank use would (I expect) love it and never experience any feeling, in use, of "dang! I wish I had a smaller wing."
I have both, but there are 2 reasons for that. One, I am very fortunate right now to have been in a financial position to afford the 18 when I already had the 35. And, two, I am a bit, *ahem*, OCD(?) and the IDEA of having the smallest, lightest, most streamlined wing that is appropriate for a particular use case appeals to me. Appeals? Maybe I should say COMMANDS me. LOL It dives great! But, I also get some satisfaction just from looking at it and seeing how tiny it is. Maybe kind of dumb, but I don't regret purchasing the 18 one bit. It IS a total luxury, but I like it. It makes me happy.