Lorenzoid covered this pretty well Scubadad. I would love to dive! Seeing as how I've got a month until I have a c-card and just had my first OW course last night, I am currently in research mode. There's a lot to soak in, and I want to get straight into diving when I can, not be researching and asking all of these sorts of questions when I have a c-card and should be out in the water.
I do feel like even without all the requisite experience to ask some of these questions in a more fully informed state, what I have learned already has made me HUGELY more aware of my needs, desires, and what to look for. As well as what to look out for. I am very thankful to that and all the members here posting and helping. So please, keep it up!!
As for the old threads, you may be surprised to hear that I have actually read a lot of them and continue to. But to me, the special thing about a forum is that it is interactive. I have a stack of books here and old threads. They are fantastic. But sitting in a forum and having people specifically talk and respond to your questions is a whole different ballpark. That's why a forum exists! I can tell you right now, most forums would be a pretty boring place if we only asked brand new questions and discussed things never before mentioned or covered. I agree, I don't want to beat a dead horse, but I can also say that there are new members posting than there were in old threads, which gives new perspectives. There are members who previously posted and are years wiser and with different opinions (for example, T bone was but a padawan only some 7-8 years ago.. yeah... I've read my old threads!!). And there are brand new questions that come up within the scope of the larger question that were never before addressed. I can tell you, there's plenty in that BP/W thread I started that I think has only added to the scubaboard treasure trove of knowledge, because there are in fact specifics and perspectives that are laid out in a way I hadn't read in the archives. I've found it helpful. Before even posting this thread, I had already read a number of old threads on regs, including one where Tbone very strongly advocated this exact same DiveRite setup - so I was familiar. But this thread is packed with new information and questions, discussions, and friendly arguments that never surfaced in that old one! As well as the most up to date models and info - small things like "HOG used to be strongly recommended as the obvious pick, but with the price going up, that's changed". If I had stuck to old threads only, I'd quickly miss recent information like this.
Anyway, don't want to get off topic on THAT as I have plenty more curiosity left in me regarding the current thread topic at hand