I bought my first tank because I needed one to work on my regs, not because it was cost effective for local diving. I've never bought a new tank. LP72s are often the best deal in used tanks. I don't think I paid more than $40 for any of mine.
I also have found good deals on 72s.
For me time a convenience is worth a lot. Having tanks on hand that don't have to be turned in is a positive. When gas prices are well over $3/gal, you have to consider the cost of making return trips to the dive shop to return rentals. Vs one trip to get fills. Plus opening up your timeline for that activity. Sometimes I have a free evening on Tuesday or Thursday that makes getting fills easy with no waiting. If I was renting tanks (by the day) I might have to wait in line and might slow me down getting on the road to diving.
When you consider the cost of all my other dive equipment, a little more expense to own/maintain my own tanks is well worth it to me. *But I must admit to being a bit of a gear hoarder anyway.