Lost Gear in St.Lawrence- Wine & Snivel

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Ottawa, Canada
I lost my Halcyon 80lb lift bag in the river this past week and I just can't seem to let it go ..... so I thought maybe if I talk about it a little more (read: wine and snivel) I can move on.

This gave me the idea for a new thread .... So what gear have you sacrificed to the great St.Lawrence river?

I've also found some interesting stuff so maybe it all equals out in the end.


PS: Dan at DiveTech offered his deepest condolences on my loss .... and offered to sell me a new one - he's just so thoughtful sometimes !!!
barb once bubbled...

This gave me the idea for a new thread .... So what gear have you sacrificed to the great St.Lawrence river?

I lost a PINK ankle weight diving on the Gaskin. Bummer! However, I did locate an integrated weight pouch on the Daryaw but I couldn't bring it up so I left it in an-easy-to-find-location and told the owner so a rescue operation was undertaken. I assume he got it back alright.

I deflated the bag but obviously there was still some trapped air and when I removed it from the load it was carrying, it slipped from my hand and was swept away in the current.
For a split second I considered going after it... but I was in 75' of water and already close/in deco so I watched it drift up and away.
Dan was teasing me about it.... said a couple of guys came in the shop and offered to sell him a used bag for $75.00 (one they had just found). Oh, he's nasty sometimes.
I will let it go and hope it finds a good new home.
Thanks for your condolences also.
Last reported floating down towards Cornwall.....

But the new one matches mine now, so we're really looking like dive buddies now!

BTW -- thanks for taking me out to play with my new equipment. And for not laughing at my not so graceful descent!
... on that same dive I found a light on the way back.
So if anyone has lost a light in that area and can describe it to me, I'll happily return it if it's a match.

I've also found an integrated weight belt - I think it was from a Mares BC. I retrieved it (with said lift bag - gee, I'll miss it) and will also return it to the rightful owner if they can I.D. it.

Was the plastic "belt clip", just inside the bag yellow/green in colour? A Mares Velcro style.

NO it's not mine..........but I MIGHT know who's it is :D

My only (to date) sacrifice to the dive Gods..........1 fin.

Sooner or later, everyone has to ante-in.

Do you mean a weight pouch out of a Mares BC? It didn't have 9 lbs of soft weight inside did it? :wink:

That is my only sacrifice to date, lost it on the Gaskin. :eek:ut:
the only equipment sacrafice I have had to date wasn't in the st. lawrence

I managed to hook my knife on the ladder of the boat when we were at the Arabia last weekend, pulled it out of it's sheath ;-0

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