Well ... you're wrong to do so. This was a class. The instructor is ultimately responsible for choosing the dive site, setting the dive profile, and assuring that the dive is conducted in a safe manner ... within the limits set by his training organization.
I wouldn't agree that he is wrong. Even if this were the very first Open Water dives of a brand new diver I would disagree that the responsibilities for diving safely are purely the responsibility on the instructor. Granted there is a greater responsibility for him, however it is also incumbent on the new diver to actually read the materials provided by the AGENCY and beware of those guidelines and pay attention to them. Unless the Instructor completely withheld all the agenmcies materials and told his students there was no such thing, then the diver himself bares some responsibility in ingesting those guidelines and following them. There's no way a student who has read their materials properly would think this was a safe thing to do regardless of what the instructor told them - and at that point they need to evaluate whether this person who is instructing them and telling them to go AGAISNT what hey should already know is the right person to be teaching them. ESPECIALLY if that instructor is doing so.
And that is on the OW level. The claims are that this was a DM class and that this diver had 150+ dives . . . sorry, but regardless of whether this was the only instructor he ever had.
I would agree that there is some level of criminal negligence if along the way in Chad's training, this instructor had willfully withheld ALL the learning materials that we all know come with the OW, ADVANCED OW, RESCUE and other classes one must complete prior to going for one's DM status and intentionally misrepresented the guidleines of the agnecy - or flat out lied to the students
However, I still think that the victim in this case would have to have spent his entire dive carreer in a vacuum to have logged 150 dives, acheived the certifications he apparently had and not had at least an HINT that this was a very dangerous thing to do. I mean one has to accept responsibility for one's own knowledge. Chad would have had to have never read ANYTHING on diving from a magazine to a piecce of equipments instruction manual to be so grossly misinformed that he just bumbled along on this last dive just blindly believeing that the instructor "knew it all" and was the sole source of whether this type of dive was safe or not.
Not to be disrespectful to Chad at all. In fact, I think it is somewhat disrespectful to Cchad to assume that after his dive experience he was some naive fool who simply took a sheeplike attitude to what the instructor said. And that he had spent his entire time as a diver avoiding any other sources of information - if even simply having conversations with other divers.
I know there is a very strong and understandable tendency to want to blame in a situation like this. I understand that this instructor sounds like a dangerous fool who needs to lose his license. But really, the bottom line is as divers we ALL have to accept a degree of repsonsibility for how we dive each and everytime. Whether doing one's first certification dive, or taking a DM class.
It sounds like Chad along the way may have gotten some really shoddy instruction and advice along the way, and it is tragic that it lead to a series of events where he paid the ultimate price for that advice. And this is eactly why I feel so strongly that is an OBLIGATION for EVERY diver to play a very active role in their own education annd advancement as a diver form the second one walks into that classroom for that very first dive.
There is much that you don't know ... both about this incident, and about the responsibilities of a dive instructor ... that are known by those involved in the investigation. Don't write it off as BS ... it's far from that.
I expect to see this instructor criminally charged for his actions ...
... Bob (Grateful Diver)
If ultimately all of the factual information leads to such a thing then it would be very warranted. I think it would take some SERIOUS breaches of protocol to get to that point, and such breeches would definitely launch this right into the realm of criminal negligence. But it would require the type of gross violations I mentioned above.
However, even in that eventuality, I can't stress enough how important it is for every diver out there to not simply lay this off as a bad instructor intentionally misleading his divers into a dangerous situtaion. I think it is dangerous for anyone to take the position that we are not responsible for our knowledge and decisions when undertaking this sport. It could be a very fatal attitude to simply put all the responsibility for safe diving in the hands of one indivdual and ignore a waelth of information and experince readily available to all divers - unfortunately Chad and his friends found this out in brutal and unfair fashion.
And if one IS going to place sole responsibility onto ONE individual, that individual MUST be oneself.