nlbford:Here's my thing about all of this. I wasn't even DONE with my open water classes before I knew that the type of dive these people engaged in was atrociously wreckless. 150+ plus dives into my diving experience (as Chad was reported to have been), I had certainly seen enough, heard enough and experienced enough to know that engaging in such a thing was foolish and letting others with less experince was even more so.
But, this misses the mark in terms of the issue here. Raise someone with bad habits and skills, and then earn their trust, and the result will be a diver with bad judgment. I'll add to the choruses of people that only realized how dangerous this sport was after a while, and that is largely due to the people who have trained me post OW.
nlbford:Thus, one could argue that Chad should have been telling the lesser experienced divers to forget doing the dive. And had he done so, perhaps he wouldn't have found himself in the situation where he was compelled to descend dangeroulsy to assist one of thiose divers.
This ignores a professional's duty owed to his students . . . which arguably extends past the classroom. There may be an interesting factual distinction about scuba diving, namely that if you as an instructor fail to train safe divers they have a real chance of killing themselves down the line. And, considering the instructor in question also trained Chad, is it reasonable to expect Chad to know better?
You mention learning from these horrible events. I agree. One lesson is to evaluate what is being taught to you, but that is admittedly difficult to do in a vacuum or absent some outside feedback.