I recently found an area of Ginnie even, where the arrows point out to the fastest exit....if you're side mount, if you're backmount you can't even pass through!
I saw this comment earlier, and resisted sidetracking but can't anymore. How can this be? What is the logic behind granting places exit arrows? I was trying to dig my memory whether I was taught that arrows might only indicate a possible air source/exit as in one should not trust one can get to it... which sounds nuts.
If one was able to get out by removing gear and free diving the last bit, maybe I could understand but if there is a long SM hike that could be devastating in some CF or emergency situation. I think it could be bigger risk marking something as exit that is not a possible passage for some divers ever vs assuming some unverified stable exit becoming unpassable (because of collapse etc).
I know there is a reluctance to make more traffic signs for cave but maybe this is one where the markers should be different (like restricted exit?). I assume these places aren't on the paths most traveled in the cave/s? How are they marked on maps?
Again, no wonder I was so emphatically taught not to trust arrows I have not verified or placed myself.